Regular Session
March 3, 2009 
Call to Order at or around 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Hagedorn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Chairman Hagedorn
Vice-Chair Honn
Member Cywan
Member Dornberg
Member Fowler
Member Moutafis


Approval of the February 3, 2009, minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn Honn and seconded by Member Moutafis Moutafis to approve the February 3, 2009, minutes as presented.
MOTION carried, 6-0

Conceptual Review:  OV5-09-004, Town of Oro Valley Public Works Department, Transit Services Division, represented by Rosemary Latshaw, requests review of a conceptual public art proposal for the Town of Oro Valley SunTran Park and Ride facility, located in proximity to the northeast corner of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard and Innovation Park Drive.

Michael Spaeth, OV Planner presented the proposal.

Craig Civalier, OV Town Engineer, gave the budget for the artwork at twenty thousand dollars.

Amiee Ramsey, OV Transit Administrator, remarked the proposed shelter supersedes shelters that are used in the City of Tucson and is adequate in size for the projected riders.

Rosemary Latshaw and Moira Geoffrion, artists, presented the proposed art. 

Member Honn expressed concern regarding the rain shelter adequacy.

Member Cywan appreciated the form, function and thought of the surrounding area.

Member Dornberg appreciated the narrative description of the artwork.

Chairman Hagedorn stated concern that the steel edges on the seat would burn someone’s legs during the summer.  The applicant responded that the top edge of the concrete will be beveled and will be higher than the steel.  Chairman Hagedorn suggested eliminating the steel and rolling the concrete.

Mr. Civialier added that this proposal is ADA compliant.

Chairman Hagedorn requested the artist contact a certified arborist, to discuss the viability of the Palo Verde tree.  

The artists agree to provide samples of the paint/patina.

Maintenance will be provided by the IGA until 2020.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn Honn and seconded by Member Cywan Cywan to approve OV5-09-004, Town of Oro Valley Public Works Department, Transit Services Division, conceptual public art proposal for the Town of Oro Valley SunTran Park and Ride facility, located in proximity to the northeast corner of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard and Innovation Park Drive, with a friendly amendment that the applicant provide structural elevations and an arborists opinion on the survival of the tree at the site.
MOTION carried, 6-0
ARC requested the applicant provide the elevations and a paint/patina sample at the next meeting.


OV5-07-10, Matthew Moutafis, representing MSJ Investment Properties LLC., requests approval of public art component “C” for the Wingate Inn Hotel, located within the Steam Pump Village development at the intersection of Oracle Road and Hanley Boulevard.

Member Moutafis recused himself from the vote and presented this item as the artist.

David Ronquillo presented the staff report into record and reviewed the history of the proposal.  

Matthew Moutafis, artist, presented the paintings and stated the paintings are currently hanging in the hotel and have been for the last three months.

Member Honn would have liked to have seen where the paintings were to hang prior to this submission. 

Chairman Hagedorn asked if this was a pre submittal that will be back next month.

Mr. Ronquillo responded that this would be treated as a final not as a conceptual.

MOTION: A motion was made by Member Dornberg Dornberg and seconded by Member Cywan Cywan to accept the three oil paintings of OV5-07-10, Matthew Moutafis, representing MSJ Investment Properties LLC., requests approval of public art component "C" for the Wingate Inn Hotel, located within the Steam Pump Village development at the intersection of Oracle Road and Hanley Boulevard.
MOTION carried, 5-0

Discussion and possible action regarding the change of meeting location/date/time for the Art Review Commission.

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner, asked the ARC to discuss the possible change to see if Members wanted the change before staff did research.

Member Moutafis stated the current room does not have the equipment necessary and there is a formality and a more business like attitude in the Council Chambers. 

Member Cywan believes the professionalism is in the mind and not in the surroundings.  Mr. Cywan stressed that when he went through the process he was told he would have to be available on the first Tuesday between 4 and 6 pm.  Mr. Cywan accepted the position because it fit into his schedule. 

Member Honn stated she has never felt any need for a change.  The size of the room is more conducive to disussing applications with applicants and she has arranged her schedule for the current day and time.

Member Dornberg believes the current room is adequate and prefers the smaller space than the Chambers.

Member Fowler fit her schedule to work with the current day and time and did not feel a critical need to move the venue to feel the professionalism.  If the equipment issues continue to occur she would be willing to reconsider.

Chairman Hagedorn did not feel the need to change venues, the room is the right size for the number of applicants that we have.

Member Moutafis stated that he is trying to make it so that ARC has the kind of respect that P&Z and DRB have.  Member Moutafis stated for ARC to be taken seriously the meetings must be held in the Council Chambers.

Chairman Hagedorn requested that all members of ARC conduct themselves with the respect and order during the meetings.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn Honn and seconded by Member Cywan Cywan to deny changing the meeting location/date/time for the Art Review Commission.
MOTION carried, 5-1 with Member Moutafis Moutafis opposed

Discussion and clarification regarding the maintenance of artwork. 

Member Moutafis said OV Public works needs to put money in their budget to maintain the artwork that the Town currently has.

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner, replied that section E of the OVZCR addresses continued maintenance. 

Member Cywan questioned the Town’s ability to enforce the maintenance.  There is art in the area that is rusting, fading, etc.  Where is the follow up, how is it followed up and how is it going to be enforced on the owner of that piece that it is maintained in pristine condition?

Mr. Ronquillo replied enforcement is difficult unless the town gets a complaint; the town doesn’t routinely go out and inspect.

Member Moutafis asked once Zoning Enforcement is aware that there is a problem why is it not enforced? Mr. Moutafis pointed out that there are currently 17 art pieces that need enforcement.

Mr. Ronquillo will check with Zoning to see if letters are going out to the violators and will provide information at the next ARC meeting.

Member Honn said with the new process, the final maintenance plan, it is not in our jurisdiction to inspect all of these pieces.

Chairman Hagedorn pointed out that there are maintenance requirements and any issues that come up need to be handled by the Town Zoning Inspectors. 


Discussion and clarification regarding conceptual and final review of artwork.

Member Dornberg asked all members to study the checklists for the Conceptual and Final submission for artwork.  This will eliminate members asking for items that are forthcoming.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn Honn and seconded by Member Moutafis Moutafis to continue this item to April 7, 2009, ARC meeting.
MOTION carried, 6-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn Honn and seconded by Member Cywan Cywan to adjourn at 6:00 p.m.
MOTION carried, 6-0