Regular Session
July 7, 2009 
Call to Order at or around 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Hagedorn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Chairman Hagedorn
Vice Chair Honn
Member Cywan
Member Fowler
Member Moutafis
Member Munden

ABSENT: Member Dornberg


Approval of the May 5, 2009, ARC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Member Moutafis Moutafis and seconded by Member Munden Munden to approve the May 5, 2009, ARC minutes as presented.
MOTION carried, 6-0

Conceptual/Final Review: OV5-09-006, Dollar Tree Stores Inc., represented by the Barclay Group, requests approval of an in lieu fee to satisfy the public art requirements, the building is located within the Rooney Ranch Center in proximity to the northwest corner of Oracle Road and First Avenue

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner presented the staff report.  Mr. Ronquillo said the in lieu fee proposal meets the 1% art requirement and staff recommended approval.

MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
MOTION carried, 6-0

Conceptual Review: OV5-09-007, Linaker Orthodontics, represented by the artist Paul Orzech, requests approval of conceptual artwork for the Linaker dental office, located in proximity to the northeast corner of Oracle Road and Magee Road. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner presented the staff report.  Mr. Ronquillo gave a brief history of the current art and explained the proposal is above the required 1%.

Paul Orzech, artist, presented the proposed art.

Chairman Hagedorn requested staff obtain an interpretation from the Town Attorney as to the ARC’s ability to approve a proposal at a final level rather than in two steps.

Member Munden expressed concern that someone could place their head in the ribbon feature of the art.  The artist assured he would make safety a priority and would round off the edges so that it would not be sharp.

Members preferred the ribbon be bronze rather than stainless steel.

Member Moutafis requested the applicant bring a sample of the bronze for the next presentation. 

MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
Chairman Hagedorn requested a sample of the brushed stainless steel.

MOTION carried, 6-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Munden Munden and seconded by Vice Chair Honn Honn to adjourn at 4:43 p.m.
MOTION carried, 6-0