Regular Session
November 3, 2009 
Call to Order at or around 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Hagedorn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Steve Hagedorn, Chairman
Jeanie Honn, Vice-Chair
Shirley Dornberg, Member
Matthew Moutafis, Member
Gail Munden, Member

ABSENT: Andrea Fowler, Member

EXCUSED: Zev Cywan, Member

Approval of the October 6, 2009, ARC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Member Dornberg and seconded by Member Moutafis to approve as amended the October 6, 2009, ARC minutes.
MOTION carried, 5-0

Final Review: OV5-09-010, McDonald’s Restaurant, represented by Rachel Slick, requests final approval of public art for a new restaurant pad at Rooney Ranch Area B, proximate to the northwest corner of Oracle Road and First Avenue. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Karen Berchtold, OV Senior Planner at 229-4814 or kberchtold@orovalleyaz.gov.

Karen Berchtold, OV Senior Planner, provided the staff report and an exhibit from Rachel Slick, the artist.

Darla Bowen of McDonalds, provided the sample of material as requested by the Art Review Commission (ARC) at the last meeting.  The material is a non rust metal.  Ms. Bowen said that Rachel Slick has agreed to be on call to fix anything needed.

Member Moutafis asked if the square pole was considered instead of the round pole.  Ms. Bowen responded the decision was made to keep the round pole.

MOTION: A motion was made by Member Munden and seconded by Member Dornberg to approve OV5-09-010, public art for McDonald's Restaurant pad at Rooney Ranch Area B, proximate to the northwest corner of Oracle Road and First Avenue.
MOTION carried, 4-1 with Member Moutafis opposed

OV5-09-08, The Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Department, requests recommendation of artwork funding for an art proposal at the James D. Kriegh Park, located off Calle Concordia. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner, provided the staff report.  Mr. Ronquillo stated the purpose of the item is to determine a specific amount and staff recommended a maximum of $15,000.  Once a recommendation is received it will be forwarded to Town Council for final approval.

Discussion was opened.

Member Moutafis said the money should be used for maintenance on pieces that are older.  Member Moutafis said a private source could be used to find the money to do this project. 

Member Munden said money should be left alone because this is not 1% for public artwork.  We could do a memorial park to collect money.  I believe we can get contributors and the money doesn’t seem like the right fit when we can get the money from private donations.

Member Dornberg said if the money is not to be used for new art then we need to do something proactive with the money.

Member Moutafis said there is a tremendous amount of rust under the tree that stands at the library.  We need to start building on that money to repair some of the older pieces and maybe some of the newer pieces.  We need to find another source to get the money.

Member Munden stated I would much rather see a client like McDonalds put their money into a fund for artwork repair rather than have the art that will probably be hidden.

Chairman Hagedorn said we might look into Planned Area Development (PAD).  We have a fund with a minimal amount of money in it and as a commission we have no way of knowing what the need is in the Town.  Maybe the Town should have a line item in the budget.  Request feedback from the staff on how to fund maintenance and start to build the fund.

Mr. Paul Popelka, OV Acting Planning and Zoning Director said the issue is whether the in-lieu fund can be used for maintenance.  Code says it shall be earmarked for public art work projects. We need to seek a legal opinion as to what the intent is.

Chairman Hagedorn asked why the maintenance isn’t being done on the pieces that the Town owns.  We need a line item for maintenance.  This needs to be taken to the Town Manager.

Member Moutafis noted that a set aside has to be made to maintain the pieces.

Member Dornberg stated the in-lieu money should go to fund new public art not maintenance.

MOTION: A motion was made by Member Dornberg and seconded by Vice-Chair Honn to approve OV5-09-08, The Oro Valley Parks and Recreation Department, requests recommendation of artwork funding for an art proposal at the James D. Kriegh Park, located off Calle Concordia in the amount of $15,000.
MOTION carried, 4-1 with Member Moutafis opposed
Member Moutafis stated that this does not meet the 1% requirement.  This should be used for public art and does not meet the criteria.

Member Munden said she agreed with member Dornberg and said we need to get it in the budget.

Chairman Hagedorn stated he agreed with member Dornberg in that money should be used for public art and maintenance should be a line item in the budget.

Mr. Popelka stated expenditure of funding has to be approved by council. 

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Honn and seconded by Member Munden to adjourn at 4:34 p.m.
MOTION carried, 5-0