Regular Session
April 6, 2010 
Call to Order at or around 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Hagedorn called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Steve Hagedorn, Chairman
Shirley Dornberg, Commissioner
Matthew Moutafis, Commissioner
Gail Munden, Commissioner

EXCUSED: Jeanie Honn, Vice Chair
Zev Cywan, Commissioner
Andrea Fowler, Commissioner

Approval of the February 2, 2010, ARC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Dornberg and seconded by Commissioner Munden to approve the February 2, 2010, ARC minutes.
MOTION carried, 4-0

OV510-002, Oro Valley Sunway LLC., represented by artists Linda Ahearn and David Wienert, requests conceptual approval of a public art proposal for the Homewood Suites hotel, located on the northeast corner of Oracle Road and Linda Vista Boulevard. For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Paul Popelka, OV Acting Planning & Zoning Director, presented the following:

- Map Plan
- Site Plan
- Conceptual Art Design by Linda Ahearn & David Wienert

Sean Rainey, representing Sunway Hotel Group, reviewed the sculptures location’s on the site plan.

Linda Ahearn introduced a maquette of the statue "Wind Spirit" and presented the following:

- Location
- Bronze construction
- Weight estimate of 700 lbs.
- Sculpture height of 4 ft. 7 in.
- Mounting and stability
- Steel base   

David Wienert introduced a sample of his work and presented the following:

- Exterior location of the organ pipe sculpture
- Interior location of the fence post water sculpture
- Copper/steel construction
- Base structure 

Member Moutafis said water will cause scaling and asked how it would be addressed.
Mr. Wienert said scaling is minimal because the water wets the arms out, causing little splashing and then filters through rock.

Chairman Hagedorn asked what the weight of each sculpture would be.
Mr. Wienert estimated the fence post water sculpture to be 1800 lbs. and the organ pipe sculpture to be 2200-2400 lbs.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Moutafis and seconded by Commissioner Munden to approve OV510-002, Oro Valley Sunway LLC., request for conceptual approval of a public art proposal for the Homewood Suites hotel, located on the northeast corner of Oracle Road and Linda Vista Boulevard.
MOTION carried, 4-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Moutafis and seconded by Commissioner Dornberg to adjourn the ARC meeting at 4:28 p.m.
MOTION carried, 4-0