Regular Session
May 4, 2010 
Call to Order at or around 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Hagedorn called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. 

Roll Call
Steve Hagedorn, Chairman
Zev Cywan, Commissioner
Shirley Dornberg, Commissioner
Gail Munden, Commissioner
Matthew Moutafis, Commissioner

EXCUSED: Jeanie Honn, Vice Chair

Approval of the April 6, 2010, ARC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Moutafis and seconded by Commissioner Dornberg to approve the April 6, 2010, ARC minutes.
MOTION carried, 5-0

Election of Chair and Vice Chair.

David Ronquillo, OV Senior Planner, reviewed the Art Review Commission bylaws regarding the election of chairman and vice chair.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Moutafis and seconded by Commissioner Cywan to nominate Chairman Hagedorn to continue as Chairman of the ARC.
Chairman Hagedorn said he would like to step back and allow someone else to serve as chairman.

Commissioner Moutafis withdrew his motion.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Cywan and seconded by Commissioner Munden to nominate Commissioner Matthew Moutafis as Chairman of ARC.
MOTION carried, 5-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Dornberg and seconded by Commissioner Munden to nominate Commissioner Zev Cywan as Vice Chair for the ARC.
MOTION carried, 5-0
Commissioner Cywan stated he wanted a correction noted for the record that Chairman Hagedorn referred to agenda item #1 as the February 2, 2010, minutes instead of the April 6, 2010, minutes. 


OV510-004, Kelly Copeland, represented by artist Elsa Fernandez, requests conceptual approval of a public art proposal for Villa Fatima Skilled Nursing Facility, located on the northwest corner of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard and Sun City Boulevard. For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Mr. Ronquillo gave the following presentation:

- Location Map
- Site Plan
- Public Art Work
- Elevations

Discussion:  Chairman Hagedorn asked what the indentation on the site plan represented.
Mr. Ronquillo said it is a passenger drop off and loading zone, and according to Town code it has to be separate from the drive aisle.  
Chairman Hagedorn said the artwork was away from the front entrance.

Commissioner Cywan asked if a religious iconic statue is considered to be public artwork.
Mr. Ronquillo said it can be a sensitive issue, but if it meets the criteria of the code it is acceptable.  Mr. Ronquillo said it is the purview of the Art Review Commission to make a formal decision. 

Kelly Copeland, applicant, said the artist is Secundino Garcia from Guadalajara, Mexico.  He contacts him through Elsa Fernandez, the owner of La Buhardilla in Tucson.

Commissioner Moutafis asked if the statue is a one of a kind piece of artwork or a production piece.
Mr. Copeland said the Lady of Life statue is a unique connotation developed by an individual in town, who obtained the sanctioning from Bishop Kicanas to support the cause for our Lady of Life.   The picture in the packet is of the statue located at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Tucson.  
Commissioner Moutafis said according to our ordinance, the commission wants to know what it will look like and what will be standing. 
Mr. Copeland said it was chosen because it was founded here in Tucson and will be similar to this one but not a duplicate.  

Commissioner Moutafis asked if he could get a statement in writing stating this statue will be a one of a kind.  Mr. Copeland said he could ask the artist to state that this statue would be the only one of this kind that he will do.

Commissioner Dornberg asked if the facility is owned by the Catholic Church.  Mr. Copeland said no, the facility is called Villa Fatima and will house dementia and Alzheimer patients.  

Mr. Ronquillo said the applicant would have to come back to the commission for final review. 

MOTION: A motion was made by Chairman Hagedorn and seconded by Commissioner Dornberg to approve OV510-004, conditional on the location of the statue.
Discussion:  Chairman Hagedorn asked Mr. Ronqulllo if the site plan had gone to the Development Review Board (DRB) for approval.  Mr. Ronquillo said no.

Chairman Hagedorn said his concern was the location of the statue.  He feels losing one or two parking spaces at the entry would be a more prominent location.

Commissioner Moutafis said his concern is the replication, location, and the absence of facts about the artist.  He stated to the commission that he would attend the DRB meeting and address the commission’s concerns about the location.  

MOTION carried, 5-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Dornberg and seconded by Commissioner Cywan to adjourn the ARC meeting at 4:47 p.m.
MOTION carried, 5-0