November 22, 2011

Chairman Sakellar called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.


Chairman Dino Sakellar
Vice Chair Richard Luckett
Member Harold Linton
Member Kit Donley
Member Gil Alexander

ABSENT: Member Rachel Childers

EXCUSED: Member Richard Eggerding
Member Nathan Basken
Member David Atler

Chairman Sakellar led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


David Williams, Planning Manager, announced the following:

- Upcoming Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 6, 2011.
- Town Council meeting on December 7, 2011.
- Conceptual Design Review Board on December 13, 2011.

CALL TO AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Board on any issue not listed on today’s agenda.  Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Board members may ask Town staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers.  However, the Conceptual Design Review Board may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to Audience."  In order to speak during "Call to Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.

Chairman Sakellar opened and closed without comment.



Review and/or approval of the September 13, 2011, Conceptual Design Review Board meeting minutes.

Draft Minutes - September 13, 2011

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Richard Luckett and seconded by Member Gil Alexander to approve the September 13, 2011, Conceptual Design Review Board meeting minutes.

MOTION carried, 5-0.


Review of Conceptual Public Artwork for Casa de la Luz located at 7750 N. Oracle Road

Staff Report & Conditions of Approval

Art Narrative

Art Budget

Review Criteria

Artist Biography

Approved Architectural Elevations (included for reference)

Karen Berchtold, Senior Planner, presented the following:

- Conceptual Design Review
- Location Map
- Conceptual Site Plan
- Conceptual Architecture:  Executive Building
- Conceptual Public Artwork
- Analysis:  ZC Section 27.3.H Criteria
- Design Standards
- Recommendation

Member Luckett asked that the location of the public art was on the western elevation.  Ms. Berchtold responded yes.

Member Linton inquired if staff was proposing that both art pieces be relocated to the courtyard area.  Ms. Berchtold stated yes and that staff felt that the courtyard was a logic location.  

Chairman Sakellar asked if staff had reviewed the alternate location with the applicant prior to Conceptual Design Review Board (CDRB) meeting.  Ms. Berchtold said there was discussion with the applicant about the alternate location for the public art.

Ryan Repucci, artist for Casa de la Luz, presented the following:

- The Symbol of Casa de la Luz
- Precedent
- Design
- Moire in Art
- Angel Wings
- Final Form

Member Luckett asked if Mr. Repucci could explain material tectonics.  Mr. Repucci said material tectonics is basically the way you work a material to its advantage, in this case using laser cutting to develop a graphic image of an angel wing.  When the material is layered, you will be able to see the image even more. 

Member Luckett asked Mr. Reupucci if he had thought about moving the art piece higher.  Mr. Rupucci responded no due to the location of the shade structure.  He can completely understand why the Board wants the art piece moved into the courtyard and is fine with the suggestion. 

Member Luckett commented that the art pieces are to repeatable and not a great visual interest to him.

Member Linton commented that he wished it looked more like an angel wing.

Member Alexander commented that this is an interesting approach and asked Mr. Repucci if he has done any large scale mock ups with laser cut aluminum to see how it looks.  Mr. Rupucci responded no.

Member Linton suggested adding a light source.

Chairman Sakellar commented that the art pieces are very interesting and it would be a missed opportunity not placing the art in the court yard. 

Chairman Sakellar opened the public hearing:

Bill Adler, Oro Valley resident, expressed concern in regards to the compliance with the review criteria specifically number two and number four.  The artist has already confirmed that angel wings are a corporate identity.  Angels do not relate to the character or context of the service involved.  He objects to the project. 

Chairman Sakellar closed the public hearing.

MOTION: A motion was made by Chairman Dino Sakellar and seconded by Vice Chair Richard Luckett to recommend approval Conceptual Public Artwork for Casa de la Luz, subject to the artwork in the northwestern location should be relocated to the courtyard where it is more visible and accessible to the public. 

Member Alexander added a friendly amendment, "to a more public location to be determined by staff".  This friendly amendment was accepted by Chairman Sakellar and Vice Chair Luckett.  

Member Linton expressed concern that the two art members on the board are not at the meeting and would like their opinion.

Member Donley asked for clarification of the corporate emblem of Casa de la Luz.  Joe Andrews, Town Attorney, commented that he looked up Casa de la Luz website on his phone and found a pueblo style building and no angel wings on their website to identify them corporately.

Chairman Sakellar commented that he would not be in favor of postponing this project. 

MOTION carried, 4-1 with Member Harold Linton opposed.


Planning Managers Update (Informational Only)

David Williams, Planning Manager, announced the following updates:

- Public art theft at the Sports Authority at Rooney Ranch.
- Received a request for a minor general plan amendment and rezoning for the property on the northeast corner of La Cholla and Tangerine.
- December 6, 2011 Planning and Zoning Commission will consider a rezoning for Rancho de Plata, as well noticing methods for public meetings, permitted uses in the R/S and R/6 zoning district, community yard sale signs and timing for neighborhood meetings for General Plan Amendments.
- Neighborhood meeting on December 15th for a proposed gas station on Lambert and La Canada.
- The conceptual site plan and conceptual architecture for St. Mark was approved by Council on November 16th.
Future Agenda Items
- Three sign applications
- Public art proposal

CALL TO AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Board on any issue not listed on todays agenda.  Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Board members may ask Town staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers.  However, the Conceptual Design Review Board may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to Audience."  In order to speak during "Call to Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.


MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Richard Luckett and seconded by Member Gil Alexander to adjourn the Conceptual Design Review Board at 6:49 PM.

MOTION carried, 5-0.