June 9, 2009
Chairman Gribb called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Tom Gribb, Chairman
John Buette, Vice-Chair
Jill Anderson, Member
Michael Schoeppach, Member
Ray Shelton, Member
Gene Wowk, Member
Mike Zinkin, Member

Chairman Gribb led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Opened and closed without comment.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Schoeppach and seconded by Vice-Chair Buette to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
MOTION carried, 7-0

Review and/or approval of the May 12, 2009, DRB minutes.


GreenbergFarrow, representing In-N-Out Burger, requests approval of a development plan and landscape plan for a restaurant with drive-through, located within the Oro Valley Marketplace in close proximity to the southwest corner of Oracle Road and Water Harvest Way, OV12-09-01.  If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Spaeth, Planner, at (520) 229-4813 or mspaeth@orovalleyaz.gov.

Ron Volley, Real Estate Manager for In-N-Out Burger, gave a brief history of the In-N-Out Burger.  Mr. Volley stated the applicant is in agreement with the conditions in Exhibit A, except for the request that the applicant use a different plant than the palm they have requested.

Keith Gilbert, Project Manager, non resident, reviewed the development plan proposal.

Gary Grizzle, of WLB Group, non resident, reviewed the landscape plan proposal.
Member Zinkin requested the applicant use a different type of palm that would not grow to the prohibited height. Mr. Grizzle deferred to Mr. Gilbert who stated that he would suggest using a different type of palm tree. 

Member Wowk asked if the applicant would consider doing a sculpture of crossed palms.  The applicant responded that they have a sculpture at a different location and it was very costly.

Member Wowk expressed concern of the placement of the sidewalk path that crossed at the drive-through on the southern end. 
Paul Keesler, Development Review Manager, stated if this were a primary route, it would be a safety concern but it is a code requirement to have that type of pedestrian cross connection across the parking lot.

Mr. Gilbert requested that Item 1 on Exhibit B be struck to allow the applicant to use a larger rock in the planting area.
Michael Spaeth, OV Planner, presented the staff report.  Mr. Spaeth reviewed the landscape and development plan.  Mr. Spaeth stated staff recommended approval with the conditions in Exhibits A and B.
MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Buette and seconded by Member Zinkin to approve OV12-09-01 with the conditions in Exhibits A and B as amended.  The amendment shall read the applicant will replace the Washingtonia robusta with a plant that is not prohibited and to strike Item 1 in Exhibit B.
MOTION carried, 7-0

GreenbergFarrow, representing In-N-Out Burger, requests approval of architectural elevations for a restaurant with drive-through, located within the Oro Valley Marketplace in close proximity to the southwest corner of Oracle Road and Water Harvest Way, OV13-09-06.  If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Spaeth, Planner, at (520) 229-4813 or mspaeth@orovalleyaz.gov.

Keith Gilbert, Project Manager for In-N-Out Burger, non resident, reviewed the proposal for architecture.

Michael Spaeth, OV Planner, presented the staff report.  Mr. Spaeth stated staff recommended approval.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Zinkin and seconded by Member Shelton to approve OV13-09-06 with the conditions in Exhibit A with the exception of number 1.
MOTION carried, 7-0

DR Horton, requests approval of architectural elevations for three model homes for the Tangerine Terrace subdivision in close proximity to the intersection of Tangerine Road and Musette Drive, OV13-09-01A. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Spaeth, Planner, at (520) 229-4813 or mspaeth@orovalleyaz.gov.

Daniel Cucci of D.R. Horton, non resident, presented the proposal.  

Michael Spaeth, OV Planner, presented the staff report to the record.  Mr. Spaeth stated staff recommended approval of the applicant's request.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Shelton and seconded by Member Schoeppach to approve architectural elevations for one single-story model home and two two-story model homes within the Tangerine Terrace Subdivision subject to the conditions specified in Exhibit A. (OV13-09-01A)
MOTION carried, 7-0

Norman Engineering on behalf of the McDonald’s Corporation, requests approval of a development plan and landscape plan for a new restaurant with drive-through at Rooney Ranch Parcel B, proximate to the northwest corner of Oracle Road and First Avenue, OV12-07-18. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Karen Berchtold, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4814 or kberchtold@orovalleyaz.gov.

Greg Kozlowsky, Area Construction Manager for McDonald's Arizona, introduced Dan Filuk, Darla Bowen and Ken Zell.  None of the parties present are residents of Oro Valley.

Mr. Filuk, KDF/JMS Architects, presented the proposal. 

Karen Berchtold, OV Senior Planner, presented the staff report into the record and said staff recommended approval of the development and landscape plans with the conditions in Exhibit A.
MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
MOTION carried, 7-0

KDF/JMS Architects, LLC, representing McDonald’s Corporation, requests approval of architecture for a new restaurant with drive-through to be located in Rooney Ranch Parcel B, located in proximity to the northwest corner of Oracle Road and First Avenue, parcel # 220090260, OV13-08-30. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Karen Berchtold, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4814 or kberchtold@orovalleyaz.gov.

Dan Filuk of KDF/JMS Architects presented the proposal.
Karen Berchtold, OV Senior Planner, presented the staff report into the record.  Ms. Berchtold stated the plan meets PAD Architecture Design Criteria and Staff recommended approval with the conditions in Exhibit A.
MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Buette and seconded by Member Zinkin to approve OV13-08-30, applicant's request for approval of architectural elevations for the proposed McDonald's Restaurant subject to the conditions specified in Exhibit A. 
MOTION carried, 7-0

Discussion item: Update on zoning enforcement procedures for development plans, architecture, and signage.

Dee Widero, OV Zoning Program Supervisor, gave an explanation of the process.

Board Member Comments.

Member Zinkin thanked his fellow DRB members and said it's been a pleasure serving the community and working with staff.  Member Buette agreed.

Planning and Zoning Update.

Karen Berchtold, OV Senior Planner, gave an update on DRB interviews and items going before Town Council and other boards.

Chairman Gribb requested that appointment of a new representative for the sign sub committee be put on the next agenda in addition to the election of a new Vice Chair.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Zinkin and seconded by Vice-Chair Buette to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
MOTION carried, 7-0