September 14, 2010
Chairman Schoeppach called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Michael Schoeppach, Chairman
Ray Shelton, Member
Richard Luckett, Member
Dennis Ottley, Member

EXCUSED: Eugene Wowk, Vice Chair
Chairman Schoeppach led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open and closed without comment.
Chairman Schoeppach pulled item 1 off the Consent Agenda to Regular Agenda

OV1310-09, Lou and Marisa Rocca, represented by Robinette Architects, Inc., requests approval of architectural elevations for two-story home at 1265 W. Tortolita Mountain Circle, on Lot 405 of Stone Canyon, parcel number 219-06-1720. For questions and additional information, please contact Matt Michels, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4822 or mmichels@orovalleyaz.gov

Staff Report
Applicant Material

OV1310-11, Golder Ranch Fire Department, represented by Seaver Franks Architects, Inc., AIA, requests approval of architectural elevations for an 1,100 square foot addition to the existing fire station, located at 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd, parcel number 223-05-003B. For questions and additional information, please contact Matt Michels, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4822 or mmichels@orovalleyaz.gov

Staff Report
Applicant Material
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Luckett and seconded by Member Shelton to approve the Consent Agenda
MOTION carried, 4-0

Approval of the September 22, 2009, July 13, 2010, July 27, 2010, and August 10, 2010, DRB minutes.

September 22, 2009 draft minutes
July 13, 2010 draft minutes
July 27, 2010 draft minutes
August 10, 2010 draft minutes
Chairman Schoeppach requested grammatical changes to the minutes.  The requested changes were noted.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Shelton and seconded by Member Ottley to approve the minutes as amended.
MOTION carried, 4-0

OV609-010, AT&T Mobility, represented by Chad Blunt, requests approval of a Tier II Minor wireless communications facility on a replacement Tucson Electric Power (TEP) utility pole on La Canada Drive and Red Creek Drive, with a 15' x 20' equipment compound to be located adjacent to the Copper Creek HOA common area.

For questions and additional information, please contact Matt Michels, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4822 or  mmichels@orovalleyaz.gov

Staff Report
Applicant Material
Chad Blunt, OV resident and applicant, said AT&T has been working on this site for almost a year, has worked with the Copper Creek HOA and held numerous public meetings.  AT&T has addressed the concerns of the Town by moving the site further south away from residents, added additional landscape, and changed the configuration of the antennas.  There is a considerable subscriber base in Oro Valley, and their network is showing them the site is needed.   

Member Luckett asked if there is another cell tower site set up with the equipment yard so close to a major street in OV.  Mr. Blunt said the only one he recalled was the Verizon site on La Canada and Lambert. 

Member Luckett asked if there is a reason why the equipment yard can’t be moved further away from the tower and away from La Canada.  Mr. Blunt said there is a water retention basin there that restricts them from doing so.

Member Luckett asked why an agreement can’t be worked out with the HOA to place it in the easement designated by the HOA.  Mr. Blunt said it would reduce capacity from the water retention basin.  Member Luckett asked about placing the equipment in a vault.  Mr. Blunt said it was possible but the banks have a problem with financing, because the vaults are not waterproof.

Matt Michels, OV Senior Planner, represented the following:
-Location Map
-Zoning Map
-Location Aerial View
-Pole and Equipment Location
-Project Location -Site Constraints
-Equipment Compound Detail
-Pole Detail
-Existing and Proposed Pole
-Landscaping Materials

Chairman Schoeppach asked about the noise generation comment in the presentation.
Mr. Michels responded that the noise generated by the cooling unit is about 65 decibels, which is similar to roadway traffic.

Charles Black, OV resident said he is in attendance representing the neighbors.  His backyard is the closest and doesn’t want the noise of the running fans.    

Don Barnett, OV resident, said he moved to OV to avoid towers and power lines.  He is concerned with decreased value of property and high radiation in a residential area.  

Member Ottley asked if the Copper Creek HOA approved this.  Mr. Michels said yes it was reviewed in July on a site visit.  The lease will not be finalized until the outcome of this hearing.  Mr. Blunt commented that the lease was executed three weeks ago.  

Member Ottley asked if there were any other locations considered.  Mr. Blunt said they were given a specific area to look at.  Member Ottley asked if there are any overlapping shadow areas.  Mr. Blunt said that in OV there are overlapping areas because of the topography but the facility will minimize them. 

Chairman Schoeppach asked if there will be a recommendation made to Council or is this decision final.  Mr. Michels said it does not require Council approval. 

Member Luckett asked if AT&T or the developer is paying a fee to Copper Creek HOA for the use of this site.  Mr. Blunt responded yes, an annual fee.
MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
Further Discussion

Member Ottley said it meets all the applicable zoning code guidelines from staff and finds it hard not to voice a second.
Member Luckett does not recommend approval and stated it sets a bad precedence for other cell carriers to build structures of this type.  The project is offensive and recommends the project be placed in a vault underground.
Chairman Schoppach said he was voting no because there are enough issues presented by the neighbors opposing the location of the tower.  
MOTION failed, 2-2 with Chairman Schoeppach and Member Luckett opposed.
MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
MOTION failed, 2-2 with Member Shelton and Member Ottley opposed.

OV1209-20, Cajun Operating Company, represented by Hollon Design Associates LLC., requests approval of a development plan and landscape plan for the Panda Express restaurant, located in proximity to the southeast corner of Oracle Road and Magee Road, parcel number 225-51-2160.

For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Staff Report
Applicant Material
Ward Hollon, non-resident and applicant, said this is the smallest site they have ever used for aPanda Express and have a conditional use permit for the drive thru.

Chairman Schoeppach asked if this was only the development and landscape plans.
Mr. Hollon responded yes.
Member Ottley asked if the existing building was going to be raised to meet the requirements of the kitchen.  Mr. Hollon responded yes. 

David Williams, OV Planning Manager, presented the following:

- Location Map
- Project timeline
- Development Plan
- Development Plan Detail
- Landscape Plan
- Summary

Member Luckett asked why the dumpster was located adjacent to Oracle Road and not placed behind the building.  Mr. Willaims said this was their only option within the lease area.  
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Ottley and seconded by Member Shelton to approve with conditions OV1209-20, a development plan and landscape plan for the Panda Express restaurant subject to the conditions in Exhibit A, located in proximity to the southeast corner of Oracle Road and Magee Road, parcel number 225-51-2160.
MOTION carried, 4-0

OV1310-10, Cajun Operating Company, represented by Hollon Design Associates LLC., requests approval of architectural elevations for the Panda Express restaurant, located in proximity to the southeast corner of Oracle Road and Magee Road, parcel number 225-51-2160.

For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Staff Report
Applicant Material
Ward Hollon, non-resident and applicant, said he is proposing a new elevations for the new building and desert colors to blend in with the existing shopping center.  The only thing odd is the red awning but that is a Trade Mark of Panda Express.

David Williams, OV Planning Manager, presented the following:

- Location Map
- Elevations
- Front - West Elevation
- Colors and Stone Material
- Summary

Chairman Schoeppach asked if there is a previously approved color palette for the plaza.  
Mr. Williams said it was a Pima County project and has been remodeled in the last ten years.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Shelton and seconded by Member Ottley to approve OV1310-10 architectural elevations for the Panda Express restaurant subject to the condition in Exhibit A, located in proximity to the southeast corner of Oracle Road and Magee Road, parcel number 225-51-2160.
MOTION carried, 4-0

OV1310-08, Villa Fatima Oro Valley LLC., represented by Kelly Copeland, requests approval of architectural elevations for Villa Fatima, a skilled nursing facility, located on the northwest corner of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard and Sun City Boulevard.

For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Staff Report
Applicant Material
Kelly Copeland, non-resident and applicant, said they would like to expand and add a 62 bed Alzheimer’s facility.
Member Luckett asked if there is a large porte-cochere on this project because it is not shown on the revised development plan.   Mr. Copeland responed yes it is an overhang structure, not for emergency vehicles.  Member Luckett asked if there are two ADA parking spaces.  Mr. Copeland responded yes. 

David Williams, OV Planning Division Manager presented the following:
- Location Map
- Site Plan
- Elevations
- Building Design - South Elevation
- Color Material and Stone Detail
- Summary

Member Luckett asked if there are any neighborhood comments.  Mr. Williams said there were no additional meetings or comments that he is aware of.
Member Luckett said one of his concerns is that the public was taken out of the review process as this project proceeded and it sounds like this already happened.
Mr. Andrews said there were meetings held from the beginning.  The public voiced their concerns and the builder has addressed most of these concerns.
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Ottley and seconded by Member Shelton to approve OV1310-08 architectural elevations for Villa Fatima a skilled nursing facility subject to the conditions in Exhibit A, located on the northwest corner of Rancho Vistoso Boulevard and Sun City Boulevard. 
MOTION carried, 4-0
MOTION: A motion was made by Member Shelton and seconded by Member Ottley to adjourn the DRB meeting at 7:23
MOTION carried, 4-0