July 14, 2008

Call to Order: 5:15 p.m.


Roll Call.

Present:  Chair Bob Baughman
Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Commissioner Lois Nagy
Commissioner Valerie Pullara
Commissioner Patrick Foley

Excused:  Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener

Also Present:  Scott Nelson, Special Projects Coordinator
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist


Call to the Audience opened and closed with no speakers.


Approval of June 9, 2008, minutes.

MOTION:  Commissioner Foley MOVED to approve the June 9, 2008, Historic Preservation minutes as presented.  Commissioner Nagy seconded the motion.  Motion carried:  5:0


Introduction of new commissioners.

Chair Baughman introduced and welcomed new Commissioners Patrick Foley and Valeria Pullara.


Discussion and possible action of HPC Rules:  Proposed additions to the Rules of the HPC Commission.

Chair Baughman read the proposed additions to the Rules of the Commission.

MOTION:  Commissioner Spoerl MOVED that election to all offices shall be by public recorded vote.  Commissioner Pullara seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5:0.

MOTION:  Commissioner Nagy MOVED that election to office requires a majority of votes cast.  If there are more than two candidates for an office, the candidate receiving the least number of votes in the first vote shall be disqualified for the next vote.  If, in such a case, there is a tie for last place, the Chair shall by coin-toss or similar disinterested method, approved by the Commission, select the disqualified candidate.  Commissioner Spoerl seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5:0.

MOTION:  Commissioner Pullara MOVED that in the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair or Vice-Chair, an election shall be held to fill the remainder of the term.  Commissioner Foley seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5:0.

No person shall be elected to an office which he is not willing to serve.  The Commissioners felt there was no need for a motion to this effect.


Election of Officers 

Commissioner Nagy nominated Bob Baughman as Chair.  There were no other nominations.

MOTION:  Commissioner Nagy MOVED to elect by Bob Baughman as Chair of the Historical Preservation Commission.  Commissioner Pullara seconded the motion.  Motion carried: 5:0.

Commissioner Spoerl nominated Daniel Zwiener as Vice Chair.  There were no other nominations. 

MOTION:  Commissioner Spoerl MOVED to elect Daniel Zwiener as Vice Chair of the Historical Preservation Commission.  Commissioner Pullara seconded the motion.  Motion carried: 5:0.


Discussion of the position of Town Historian and HPC Rules.

There will be a study session with Town Council (TC) on 7/30/08. There will be discussion regarding the Town Historian and HPC Rules.

Chair Baughman gave a brief history of how the Town Historian came about.  When Jim Kreigh was on the Commission as the Historian, the position was a voting position. HPC has recommended to TC that the historian not be a voting member. If a person were appointed and later found they didn’t have time to fill the position’s duties, the TC would have to take action to dismiss the individual.  The position currently does not have a term limit. 

The Commission may want to look at the specific ordinance and put together a packet of recommendations for term limits, voting rights, contributions, etc.  It may be time to make the position more formal.  There should be documents specifying the Historian’s duties. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch (SPR):  Proposed letter to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Re:  Transportation Enhancement (TE) Grant Application  

Mr. Nelson gave an update on the Transportation Enchancement Grant.  An application for the TE Grant has been submitted.  After going through HPC and TC, the application went to Pima Association of Governments (PAG).  The Town received ranking of being tied for 9th out of 12 applications.  SHPO made a determination that the pump house should remain a ruin and not be rehabilitated.  The cost was projected to be $263,000.  The Town has an opportunity to resubmit on 8/22/08.  PAG staff has indicated that if SHPO’s position were different, the advisory committee ranking members would look at it differently.  They are concerned that without a SHPO endorsement it will not pass when it goes to the State board.  We are asking for this Commission or the Mayor to write a letter.  We have met with the Mayor, the Town Manager, the P&Z Director, and Linda Mayro, the Cultural Resource Manager in the Historic Preservation office.  The thought process now is to set a meeting and go to Phoenix to meet with Bill Collins, Deputy SHPO Historian and the State Preservation Officer, James Garrison, to discuss 3 areas: 1.  SPR Master Plan, 2.  National Historic Designation, and 3.  What is appropriate treatments for historic buildings.  They need to be made aware that the IGA that the TC and Board of Supervisors passed talked about: rehabilitation, public funds that have gone into acquiring this property, and the extensive emergency stabilization of buildings.  The anticipation is to get something official from them in writing.  Mayor Loomis, Commissioner Spoerl, Sarah More, Scott Nelson and Linda Mayro would attend the meeting.

Chair Baughman suggested taking an official position endorsing this line of approach and authorizing Commissioner Spoerl to speak in the name of the Commission. 

Mr. Nelson suggested authorizing a letter if needed.

Chair Baughman didn’t think another letter is needed from the Commission, but one from Commissioner Spoerl listing her qualifications and why she is an expert on this subject.

MOTION:  Chair Baughman MOVED that the Commission endorse the position Mr. Nelson has outlined and authorize Commissioner Spoerl to write a letter to speak for HPC.  Commissioner Foley seconded the motion.

Discussion:  It may be appropriate for a letter to go to PAG instead of SHPO. 

Motion carried 5:0.


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan.

Decisions need to be made delegating responsibility for actions on the Work Plan.
a.  Certified Local Government (CLG) - Chair Baughman explained what the CLG designation is for the new members.
Mr. Nelson at the Commission’s request, contacted CLG Coordinator, Bob Frankeberger, who will take a further look at the application.  It has been more than 90 days since the request was originally sent in.  Mr. Nelson recommended sending a letter asking for the official position.

Mr. Nelson and Commissioner Spoerl will coordinate in drafting a follow-up letter from the Mayor.  

MOTION:  Commissioner Foley MOVED to authorize Commissioner Spoerl to prepare a draft letter for the Mayor to take with him to Phoenix to the State Historic Preservation Office urging the completion of the acceptance of HPC’s CLG grant application. Commissioner Pullara seconded the motion. 

AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION:  Commissioner Spoerl MOVED to AMEND the motion to say a letter be prepared and signed by the Mayor, not necessarily to take with him, depending on the timing of the meeting.  The letter should go to SHPO with the thought that if the meeting is too far distant that the letter be sent and a response requested. 

Commissioner’s Foley and Pullara agreed with the friendly amendment. Motion carried 5:0.

Chair Baughman would like to postpone taking further action on the Work Plan today. He intends to bring recommendations to the next meeting about the addition or deletion of items on the Work Plan. 

Santa Cruz Heritage Alliance: Chair Baughman will check with Council Member Latas to see if she is still interested in being the liaison.  If she is not, a new liaison will be selected at the next meeting. 


Discussion and possible action regarding National Alliance of Historic Commission.

National Alliance has been joined.  Information is needed regarding benefits of membership and what is available on line.  Once an entity joins there is additional access to their site.  The website address will be sent to all HPC members. 



a.  7/30/08 Joint Study Session HPC and Town Council at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 


Items for future agendas.

Set up a tour for HPC members to be able to see SPR. (not an agenda item).

Keep discussion and possible action regarding SPR on the agenda. 

Include general language to let anything else be discussed. 



MOTION:  Commissioner Spoerl MOVED to adjourn the HPC meeting.  Commissioner Foley seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5:0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.