Regular Session
March 9, 2009

Call to Order at 5:02 p.m.


Roll Call:
Chair Bob Baughman
Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener
Commissioner Patrick Foley
Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Commissioner Valerie Pullara
Commissioner Lois Nagy
Commissioner Sam McClung

Also Present:
Paul Popelka, Assistant Planning and Zoning Director
Scott Nelson, Special Projects Coordinator
Michael Spaeth, Planner
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist
Phyllis Gracy, Office Assistant


Call to the Audience opened and closed with no speakers.


Approval of Minutes:


January 12, 2009

Vice Chair Zwiener requested clarification regarding item VI Discussion of Meeting Agenda Format.   Chair Baughman stated the minutes should be amended to read "Mr. Popelka will email the Chair a draft agenda the Friday a week before the meeting."

MOTION:  Commissioner Nagy MOVED to approve the minutes from the January 12, 2009, Historic Preservation Commission meeting as amended.  Commissioner Spoerl seconded the motion.  Motion carried, 7-0.


February 2, 2009

MOTION:  Vice Chair Zwiener MOVED to approve the minutes from the February 2, 2009, Historic Preservation Commission meeting.  Commissioner Pullara seconded the motion.  Motion carried, 7-0.


February 9, 2009

Vice Chair Zwiener requested clarification regarding item VI c, page 2.  Chair Baughman stated that no change needs to be made to the February 9 minutes.  He stated it is the intent of the Historic Preservation Commission that the consultants will meet with all Commissioners.

Chair Baughman stated that under item VI b, the following statement should be added after the motion:  Chair Baughman appointed Commissioner McClung to pursue the project.

MOTION:  Commissioner Nagy MOVED to approve minutes from the February 9, 2009, Historic Preservation Commission meeting as amended.  Commissioner Foley seconded the motion.  Motion carried, 7-0.


Staff Report

Paul Popelka, Assistant Director of Planning and Zoning, presented the staff report.  Mr. Popelka introduced Michael Spaeth, Planner, who will be giving support to the Commission.  He stated that Scottsdale was designated a Preserve America Community and received a grant for a Cultural Marketing and Tourism Plan.  He will be following the progress. 

Chair Baughman asked if Staff Reports can be listed as discussion and action items.  He requested that Mr. Popelka follow up on this.


Presentation from William Doelle, PhD., President of Desert Archaeology, on the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance and Honey Bee Village

Chair Baughman introduced William Doelle, PhD., President of Desert Archaeology.  Dr. Doelle gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance.  He also gave a brief update on Honey Bee Village.  He distributed copies of the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area Feasibility Study Summary, 2005, and Heritage Experiences of the Santa Cruz Valley map.

Dr. Doelle answered questions including what happens after designation as a National Heritage Area and how the site steward program works.

Chair Baughman invited Dr. Doelle to a future meeting to give a presentation on Honey Bee Village, including showing some artifacts that were found.


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan


Cultural Resource Inventory Request for Proposal (RFP)

Mr. Popelka stated he received a list of consultants as well as feedback for the Request for Proposal (RFP) from Linda Mayro, Pima County.   A draft copy of the RFP was distributed.  Chair Baughman asked Mr. Popelka to send a copy of Ms. Mayro’s recommendations to the Commissioners.  Chair Baughman asked Mr. Popelka to send the final draft to the Commissioners and solicit feedback at that time. 


Study Session

Chair Baughman stated a study session needs to be scheduled to discuss the work plan.  He would like to invite Mr. Nelson and Lexa Mack, Town Attorney, to attend.  He would like the meeting to begin at 4:00 pm and asked Mr. Popelka to schedule the date and place.


Status of Training

Commissioner Foley distributed a list of upcoming training opportunities and will forward detailed information as soon as he receives it.  He is also working with Mr. Popelka on setting up a training session for the Commission.  A list of Citizens Planning Institute classes was distributed.  No pre-registration is required and there is no fee.

Vice Chair Zwiener asked if the Town of Oro Valley would pay for expenses associated with the out-of-town conferences.  Mr. Popelka was asked to follow up on this and report back to the Commissioners.  

Chair Baughman asked Mr. Popelka to update the term of office list.


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch


Historic garden project

Commissioner Spoerl gave an update on the Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) historic garden project. The Town Council approved the license agreement at the February 18 meeting.  The Mayor and President of the Oro Valley Historical Society (OVHS) have signed the agreement.  It is anticipated work will begin in April, with planting at monsoon time.


Arizona Centennial project

Vice Chair Zwiener took Gary Faulkenberry’s pen and pen case samples to OVHS Board meeting.  Mr.Faulkenberry has asked if he could go to SPR to get some wood.  Mr. Nelson and Vice Chair Zwiener will set up this meeting.


Progress of preservation work for photos and documents

Chair Baughman asked Commissioner Spoerl for names and addresses of the volunteers so that thank you notes can be sent regarding their work preserving photos and documents found at SPR.  He also asked that volunteer hours be forwarded to Mr. Popelka.

The progress report from Jerry Kyle, Skylark Consulting, was distributed.  Mr. Kyle will be available to give the Commission a full report at the April meeting.   

Mr. Nelson stated items for long-term storage have been ordered and short-term storage is available in the Town Clerk’s storage area.



Because Chair Baughman has not heard back from Councilmember Latas regarding the inquiry to the Town Manager this item will be continued.  He will contact Councilmember Latas.   


Progress of truck restoration project

Commissioner McClung contacted the Canyon del Oro Auto Mechanics teacher.  A meeting with Mr. Nelson and the teacher is being planned for early next week at SPR to look at the truck before making a decision to work on it. 

Chair Baughman suggested that the Town Manager be invited to any discussions with the teacher regarding the scope of work. 


Status of Standard Operating Procedure project

Mr. Popelka stated staff has not had time to meet to discuss the standard operating procedures project.  An attempt will be made to have a draft for the April meeting.


Discussion and possible action regarding the Environmentally Sensitive Land Ordinance (ESLO) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Mr. Popelka’s report on the ELSO TAC was reviewed.  The Town is looking for a representative from the HPC with an archaeology background to be on this committee.  Vice Chair Zwiener volunteered for this position.  Chair Baughman suggested Mr. Popelka and Vice Chair Zwiener meet with Bayer Vella, Senior Planner, to discuss details of the TAC, having access to archaeological site information and reporting to the HPC.



Commissioner Spoerl announced that today is Barbie’s 50th birthday.  She reviewed the steps required to be eligible for the National Register and how Barbie may meet this criteria.

Mr. Popelka stated he has not received information regarding being a certified local government.  The State Historic Preservation Office is checking on this.

The April meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 16 in the Council Chambers.

Chair Baughman asked Commissioner Spoerl, in her capacity as President of the OVHS, for up-to-date information on the Town's 35th anniversary.  She gave a brief presentation and stated there is a summary of events in the current issue of "Vista."


Future Agenda Items

Chair Baughman suggested a discussion on zoning as it relates to district activities.  He stated that he would like to meet with Mr. Popelka and Ms. Mack prior to the April meeting.



MOTION:  A motion was made by Commissioner Foley and seconded by Commissioner Nagy to adjourn the HPC meeting.  Motion carried, 7-0.

The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.