Special Session
October 6, 2008

Call to Order: at 5:02 p.m.


Roll Call.

Chair Bob Baughman
Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener
Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Commissioner Patrick Foley
Commissioner Valerie Pullara
Commissioner Lois Nagy

Also Present:
Mayor Paul Loomis
Council Member Salette Latas
Scott Nelson, Special Projects Coordinator
Mike Spaeth, Planner
Sarah More, Planning and Zoning Director
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist


Call to the Audience.

Bill Adler, Oro Valley resident spoke about creating  a sustainable community from the standpoint of matching successfully the 3 components of mixed use: residential with retail with employment.  Mixed use projects are rarely if ever successful.  Demographics are not matched up well, thus it falls apart.  All citizens need to be aware of this.  He encouraged the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to attend the Planning Commission meeting tomorrow night where this item will be on the agenda.  There is an area within the 9,100 acres of Arroyo Grande that is considered to have significant archaeological value and is referred to as a cultural preserve. 


Approval of Minutes.

Mr. Nelson said there was a recommendation at the last meeting for Ms. Spoerl and Ms. Chapman to go over the minutes prior to approval.  He asked that last month’s and this month’s minutes be carried over for approval at next month’s meeting.


Presentation by Marty McCune and Jerry Kyle, Skylark Consulting, re: Cultural Resource Survey for Town of Oro Valley.

Marty McCune and Jerry Kyle, Skylark Consulting, gave a presentation on cultural resource surveys.  They talked about what a cultural resource survey is and its importance to the community. Their product is an inventory of resources and priorities for treatment. A cultural resource survey is a means to identify, evaluate and protect cultural resources.  The process involves public volunteers and professionals.  It is a process of gathering data, analyzing and interpreting it, and making it part of a comprehensive plan. 

Steps involved are: 
- Identification: looking at what you have, where it is, the time periods, and the relationship of the resources to historic context.
- Evaluation: how to determine what is important.
- Treatment: protection priorities, policies, tools, funding, and uses.

The process includes a field survey which is a physical search for and recording of the cultural resources on the ground. It includes planning and background research, organization and presentation of survey data, and development of inventories.

The benefits enable you to be forward looking and proactive in your preservation program and identifies areas where preservation needs to take place.  It increases public awareness and appreciation for historic resources.  It gives the opportunity to assess a wide variety of resources, such as landscapes, cemeteries, parks, ranches, etc.

National Register of Historic Places criteria:
- 50 years old
Meets one or more of:
- associated with events that contributed to broad patterns of history
- associated with significant persons
- architecture
- yields or will yield important information

Historic Context:
- helps weave survey work together 
- provides historical background
- identifies resource types that can be expected to be found
- provides a framework for setting priorities
- assists in planning survey work 

There are two levels of survey activity:
- Reconnaissance: a broad overview of the community and resources, and focuses on identification of what is there.
- Intensive survey: getting into more of an evaluation mode of the identified resources.

Products from the survey:
- Maps
- Reports
- Detailed inventories of resources
- Recommendations for treatment and protection
- General historical information about the community

- Keep it simple
- Use an inventory form
- Get good advice and assistance
- Evaluate, revise, and update 
- Keep it up to date  

Chair Baughman added a final step: circulate, take to schools, library, etc.

Vice Chair Zwiener and Commissioners Spoerl and Nagy are working on an RFP and developing samples. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch (SPR). 

Regarding the historical garden, the major thing the Historical Society has done is contact people involved in water conservation and harvesting.  Pima County will not propose a bond package for 2009.  There are concerns about access and safety, so Mr. Nelson’s preference is to proceed with the garden project to keep people involved, but do it offsite rather than at the Ranch for now.  It will be a board decision.

Mr. Nelson said when this was first talked about, it looked like we would have a bond package.  With the economy, it may not happen soon.  If we allow limited access, other groups will want to have access also.  The site not safe. The gardens may be able to be started elsewhere on Town property and later moved when the site is ready.  There are still educational opportunities to keep the interest level alive. 

It will have to go to Council soon if it is going to be on Steam Pump Ranch.  If elsewhere, and still be a pioneer garden, there may not be the interest in HPC being involved.

Chair Baughman suggested continuing this agenda item to the next meeting. 

Mr. Nelson said there was a community garden originally planned between the library and the Community Development building, which may be a possible area for the gardens.  Naranja Town site is another possibility. 

Mr. Nelson added we researched how the master plan was accepted.  The language allows the Town Manager to make decisions on the site as long as it is in the master plan and as funding becomes available.  The Town Council should also be kept informed.

Chair Baughman asked for a member of the Commission to research the possibility of using Steam Pump Ranch as an Arizona Centennial project.  Vice Chair Zwiener volunteered and will report back at the next meeting.

Mr. Nelson gave a brief update on SPR.  The emergency stabilization and clean up continues.  The motor and gearing was replaced on the gate.  ADOT Transportation Enhancement Grant will be heard before the State board this week and we should know something by the end of this week.

The consultant forwarded a draft for the National Register Nomination, which was sent via email to the HPC.  It will need to be sent to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) with a letter from either staff or the Commission for their comment.  This should happen this month. Chair Baughman asked that this go on the agenda for the next month.


Discussion and possible action regarding protocol for confidential information.

There are cultural resources at Arroyo Grande that have been identified. HPC should develop an interest in that area once Arroyo Grande is annexed.  Documents that come to HPC are public documents and some kind of protocol needs to be in place that addresses confidentiality to provide protection of cultural resource sites from the public.  A memo was distributed from Attorney Mack about confidentiality.  Cultural sites and privacy issues need to be addressed.  Mr. Nelson and Attorney Mack, Vice Chair Zwiener and Chair Baughman will work on developing a draft to bring to the next meeting to prepare an amendment to the operating rules to send to Council for approval. 
Chair Baughman asked this be put on the next agenda.


Discussion of Arroyo Grande cultural resources.

The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting regarding Arroyo Grande will be on 10/7, at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 

Commissioner Spoerl said the sooner the HPC considered what is known about cultural resources in AG the better and it should not wait until annexation.  

Council Member Latas said Arroyo Grande information is on line.  The Planning and Zoning Commission will be considering the recommendation to Town Council of whether to accept the GP amendment. There is a section in special area policies dealing with cultural resources. 

Mr. Nelson pointed out this amendment is a request to change the GP as it exists today. There will be many opportunities for HPC to get involved.  At this level it involves Planning and Zoning and Town Council.


Discussion of Honey Bee Village.

Continued to next meeting.


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan.


CLG Application

SHPO had misplaced the CLG application, but finally found it and it will be going to Washington DC. We should receive a letter soon.


Cultural Resource Inventory Plan




Community Outreach

Commissioner Pullara has contacted schools to see what they are doing now and what they would like to see done.  Citizens Planning Institute has some great material that may be used.  She is putting together a plan and will share when ready. 

Chair Baughman cautioned that in contacting schools and other bodies, consider the plan with HPC before outside contacts are made.


Process Plan for Historic Designation



Commissioner Foley had no report at this point.  He and Mr. Nelson will look at possibilities for training. 


Santa Cruz Heritage Alliance

Commissioner Pullara reported the next meeting is November 7th in Green Valley and she will be attending.


Discussion and possible action regarding National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.

Items X and XI will continue to be on the agenda.



- Michael Spaeth, Planner, will be assisting Mr. Nelson with HPC. 

- A letter was received in mid-September that the AZ chapter of the American Planning Association had selected Steam Pump Ranch Master Plan as the best historic landmark planning category for this year.  Mr. Nelson will be going to Yuma to accept the award on 11/6.

- Commissioner Nagy talked about Hohokam petro glyphs and distributed a handout that will be published and may be of value to HPC to evaluate in the future.


Items for future agendas.

There are no other items for future agendas other than those discussed above.



MOTION:  Commissioner Nagy MOVED to adjourn the Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Vice Chair Zwiener seconded the motion. Motion carried 6:0.  The meeting closed at 6:50 p.m.