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I. Call to Order: at 5:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call.
Chair Bob Baughman
Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener
Commissioner Lois Nagy
Commissioner Marilyn Cook
Excused: Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Also Present:
Salette Latas, Council Member (for Al Kunisch)
Scott Nelson, Special Project Coordinator
Bill Adler, Planning and Zoning Commissioner
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist/Recording Secretary
III. Call to the Audience
opened and closed with no speakers.
IV. Approval of May 14, 2008, minutes
V. Introduction of Commission candidates: Patrick Foley, and Valerie Pullara.
VI. Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch.
VII. Discussion and possible action regarding Oro Valley Historical Society Liaison.
VIII. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan.
a. Certified Local Government (CLG) Application
b. Cultural Resource Inventory Plan
c. Budget
d. Community Outreach
e. Process Plan for Historic Designation
f. Role of the HPC
g. Training
IX. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC special projects:
Chair Baughman corrected the numbering of the following items on the agenda.
X = IX a.
XI = IX b.
XII = IX c.
b. HPC Rules
c. Santa Cruz Heritage Alliance
XIII. Announcements.
XIV. Items for future agendas.
XV. Adjourn.
Jun 09, 2008 Historic Preservation Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
I. Call to Order: at 5:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call.
Chair Bob Baughman
Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener
Commissioner Lois Nagy
Commissioner Marilyn Cook
Excused: Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Also Present:
Salette Latas, Council Member (for Al Kunisch)
Scott Nelson, Special Project Coordinator
Bill Adler, Planning and Zoning Commissioner
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist/Recording Secretary
III. Call to the Audience
opened and closed with no speakers.
IV. Approval of May 14, 2008, minutes
V. Introduction of Commission candidates: Patrick Foley, and Valerie Pullara.
VI. Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch.
VII. Discussion and possible action regarding Oro Valley Historical Society Liaison.
VIII. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan.
a. Certified Local Government (CLG) Application
b. Cultural Resource Inventory Plan
c. Budget
d. Community Outreach
e. Process Plan for Historic Designation
f. Role of the HPC
g. Training
IX. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC special projects:
Chair Baughman corrected the numbering of the following items on the agenda.
X = IX a.
XI = IX b.
XII = IX c.
b. HPC Rules
c. Santa Cruz Heritage Alliance
XIII. Announcements.
XIV. Items for future agendas.
XV. Adjourn.
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