Special Session
August 3, 2009
Call to Order at or after 5:00 p.m.

Chairman Zwiener called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Daniel Zwiener, Chair
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Sam McClung, Commissioner
Valerie, Pullara, Commissioner
Pat Spoerl, Commissioner

Chairman Zwiener welcomed new member Ed Hannon and acknowledged the current and previous Chairs and members of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).


Discussion and possible action regarding Cultural Resource Inventory.


Summary of archival research from John Ravesloot of William Self & Associates (WSA).

John Ravesloot, OV resident, of WSA, introduced Jennifer Levstik, Research Assistant and Scott O’Mack, Project Director.

Scott O’Mack, non resident, of WSA, presented the preliminary assessment of the Cultural Resources Inventory and reviewed the following:
- Sources
- Archaeological Sites in the Oro Valley Planning Area
- Total number of previously recorded prehistoric sites
- Historical archaeological sites in the Oro Valley Planning Area
- National Register of Historic places (NRHP) Eligibility Criteria
- About 50% of the 77.1 square miles have been surveyed
- Keeping archaeological site maps confidential


Discussion regarding criteria of significance for cultural resources.

Chairman Zwiener questioned if there is a need to develop local standards for significant resources.  John Ravesloot responded that this would be a good idea.

Discussion followed:
- Look at sites that SHPO decided were not sites of historic significance 
- Commission has the authority to designate a historic site at a local level using less stringent qualifications than at the state level
- Without criteria, decisions of historic significance will be difficult
- Look at the National Register criteria so everybody has a common understanding and see where we might need to supplement criteria 
- Look at the criteria at the county level

Chairman Zwiener suggested that at the next HPC meeting the Commission consider appointing members of HPC to further review the criteria issue. 


Discussion of cultural resource priorities in relation to Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance.

David Williams, non resident, of Willdan, reviewed the role and function of the HPC in the Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL). 
HPC role is as follows:
- Identifying types and sub-types
- Qualitatively assessed in terms of value
- Prioritize (how to protect/restore with the limited resources available)

ESL functions will be as follows:
- Identify sensitive resources as informed by the HPC
- Identify relative resource types (i.e. archeological, palentological)
- Providing a protection matrix 
- Feedback on the draft ESLO and levels of protection

Chairman Zwiener asked what the function of HPC will be related to ESLO.  Mr. Williams said the HPC needs to clearly review the draft ordinance and at some point assist in updating code. 

Commissioner Baughman asked how priorities will be balanced.  Mr. Williams answered that they will first look at the adopted General Plan that gives some priority of resources in relation to one another.

Commissioner Spoerl asked if Willdan has discussed how they will deal with areas that have not been surveyed when archeological/historic sites are found.  Mr. Williams responded that before any ground disturbing activity a survey would be required.

Chairman Zwiener asked if it is possible to overlay the information from cultural resources and ESL.  Mr. Williams responded that maps can be produced showing cultural resources and this information would be very useful for the future and for staff.

Commissioner Spoerl clarified that what was being created (ESLO) was not a historic and cultural district as written in the General Plan.  Mr. Williams affirmed that ESLO in not a historic and cultural district. 

Bill Adler, resident, commented that the consultant made the statement we will not be able to save everything.  We do not want to not allow people access to the land for educational purposes. It is important that you define a site generously to provide access but not trespass.


Discussion and possible action on State Historic Preservation Office training and grant programs.

Scott Nelson, OV Special Projects Coordinator, will be scheduling a training session with SHPO for September 14, 2009.  Mr. Nelson said the town has received it’s Certified Local Government designation (CLG) and there is federal funding available.
SHPO staff will make themselves available for additional CLG training and we will be looking into a time in the fall.



Paul Popelka reminded the Commission of a regular HPC meeting on August 10, 2009.


MOTION: A motion was made by Chair Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Nagy to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
MOTION carried, 7-0