Special Session
May 21, 2009

Call to Order: at or after 6:01 p.m.


Roll Call

Present:Chair Bob Baughman
Vice Chair Daniel Zwiener
Commissioner Pat Spoerl
Commissioner Valerie Pullara (arrived at 6:06 p.m.)
Commissioner Sam McClung

Absent:  Commissioner Lois Nagy

Also present:
Paul Popelka, Assistant Director Planning and Zoning
Scott Nelson, Special Projects Coordinator
Mike Spaeth, Planner
Diane Chapman, Senior Office Specialist


Call to the Audience

Council Member Kunisch said at the May 20 Council meeting there was around $700,000 for funding dedicated to the Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) site. 


Approval of Minutes: April 16, 2009

MOTION:  Vice Chair Zwiener MOVED to accept the April 16, 2009, Historic Preservation Commission meeting minutes as presented.  Commission McClung seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6:0.



a.  Presentation from Matthew Moutafis on a sculpture at Steam Pump Ranch.

Mr. Moutafis talked about the importance of history in art.  He presented a handout on "Imagineering the Past...creating the future...NOW."  He made a proposal today to the Oro Valley Historical Society regarding acquisition of his bronze horse titled "Steam Pump Pony" which is outlined in his handout.  He would be contributing his efforts and he expects to raise a total of $12,500 on his own, and the horse would become the property of the Oro Valley Historical Society. He also presented a possible logo for SPR park.  This presentation was for HPC’s information and he would like HPC’s best wishes.

Chair Baughman said he wishes Mr. Moutafis well and he personally supports the Oro Valley Historical Society’s decision to support acquisition of the sculpture. 

b.  Presentation from Mark Moore, OV Water Department, on the proposed Well Site for Oro Valley Water Utility.

Mark Moore, Oro Valley Water, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation regarding the new well at SPR.  Robert Jacklitch, Oro Valley Water, also was in attendance.  They would like HPC’s direction on the site plan and architectural concept/theme.  They would also like direction and/or possible assistance in the savage of materials when the barn is demolished. 

Discussion points:
- Security.
- Time frame: next FY proceed with drilling the well, putting the casing in ground and capping it.  
- Design wall and equipment in FY 10/11. 
- Council has given the Water Department direction to proceed. There is not a signed agreement, but a set dollar amount of funding was approved. The Water Utility is buying the right to be there; the Town will still own the site.  HPC cannot vote for no well.
- The Task Force designated the location for the pump because access easement from the north only utilizes the well site itself. 
- Demolition of the barn will take less than a week and will include salvage of the barn door and other materials.
- HPC should prepare a list of materials to salvage and monitor the work.
- Demolition of the barn will not affect any grants.
- A couple of Commissioners should work with staff on architecture to bring examples back at a later meeting. 
- A 5,000 gallon horizontal tank will be on the site.
- Civil engineering would address grade and water flow.
- Opportunity to development interpretive story about water.


Items for discussion and possible action regarding staff report


Status of Steam Pump Ranch designation

Council Member Salette Latas gave a brief status report on SPR designation via conference call. They had a meeting at the State Legislature with Representatives Nancy Young Wright, Nick Williams and Senator Al Melvin, and Assistant Director of State Parks Department Mr. Ziemann. The project is now in front of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, who will put it forward into the budget.  The project needed to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places before they would move the project forward.  The State committee reviewing applications for listings is where it is now. There may be a special meeting in June or July to review the application.  

Regarding the funding options for building and site improvements, Council Member Latas, Chair Baughman, and Scott Nelson met with Commissioners Spoerl and Zwiener, consultants from Poster Frost, and Linda Mayro from the County Preservation office and discussed funding options including County bond money, and came up with a punch list of what needs to be done this year to stabilize and protect structures. Council has $770,000 available now, pending final approval of the budget, which is what is needed to do all the stabilization and reconstruction of the pump house.

Chair Baughman praised Councilperson Latas for her hard work.

Mr. Nelson met and mobilized the contractor that oversaw the SABHA stabilization work. The structural engineer outlined what needed to be done to stabilize before the monsoon.  This should be done within three days, which will get us through until the budget is passed.  Approval has been given to do a direct select contract with Poster Frost, which is being processed and will be executed when the budget is passed.


Environmentally Sensitive Land (ESL)

Vice Chair Zwiener reported on the ESL Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). There was some confusion on cultural resources, which has been resolved. The Commission needs to consider developing definitions and criteria for cultural resources at this point.


Study session schedule

Paul Popelka said the additional information sent in the packet is homework to review for the next HPC meeting.  The June 8 session will be dedicated to this.  A consultant from Willdan will attend.  The intent is to work through HPC and provide feedback to ESL TAC and Public Advisory Committee (PAC) groups, P&Z and Council for approval.  Over the next 3 months the HPC needs to complete our input so an ordinance can be completed by September.


Commission vacancy and appointment

HPC has one vacancy.  So far only one application has been received.  The posting ad ends on May 29. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch


Funding Options for Building and Site Improvements


Salvage of Photographs and Documents

The backordered supplies will not be shipped for another 3 weeks. 

Commissioner Spoerl said the Town has offered the use of the Hopi Room to work on scanning photos found in the chicken coops. Work would be done on one Saturday and one weekday. 


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan:  Cultural Resources Inventory

Mr. Popelka said 3 proposals were received for the cultural resources survey.  Chair Baughman, Vice Chair Zwiener and Mr. Popelka are on the selection committee and will meet May 27 to choose a proposal. 



- The June 15 meeting will hold elections effective July 1.
- The Town’s 35th anniversary was a success. 
- The June 8 meeting will be a special session at 5 pm. 
- June 15 will be the regular meeting at 5 pm.
- Additional meetings will be scheduled.
- Commissioner Spoerl showed pens and boxes made from wood from SPR that Gary Faulkenberry’s San Manuel High School’s woodworking class produced.  The Historical Society had some made.
- Serving food at the HPC meetings will be terminated.


Future Agenda Items



MOTION:  Vice Chair Zwiener MOVED to adjourn the Historic Preservation Commission meeting.  Commissioner Spoerl seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6:0. 

The meeting closed at 7:50 p.m.