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I. Call to Order: at or after 5:04 p.m.
II. Roll Call
IV. Approval of Minutes: May 21, 2009
V. Election of Commission Officers
VI. Items for discussion and possible action regarding staff report
A. Status of Steam Pump Ranch designation and funding
B. Commission vacancy and appointment
VII. Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch
A. Proposed Well Site for Oro Valley Water Utility
i. Review and action on project concept plan
ii. Architectural input for wall design
Chair-elect Zwiener and Vice Chair-elect Nagy were appointed by Chair Baughman to review the architectural input for the wall design.
Mr. Nelson suggested approving the concept plan so the Water Utility can go forward. The concept plan approval should list a few conditions to worked out prior to actual drilling: 1. Final compensation, 2. Salvaging of the doors in the barn, both interior and exterior. 3. Future infrastructure credits.
VIII. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan
A. Cultural Resources Inventory
B. Budget schedule for FY 2010-2011
IX. Discussion and possible action regarding Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance
X. Announcements
XI. Future Agenda Items
Jun 15, 2009 Historic Preservation Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
I. Call to Order: at or after 5:04 p.m.
II. Roll Call
IV. Approval of Minutes: May 21, 2009
V. Election of Commission Officers
VI. Items for discussion and possible action regarding staff report
A. Status of Steam Pump Ranch designation and funding
B. Commission vacancy and appointment
VII. Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch
A. Proposed Well Site for Oro Valley Water Utility
i. Review and action on project concept plan
ii. Architectural input for wall design
Chair-elect Zwiener and Vice Chair-elect Nagy were appointed by Chair Baughman to review the architectural input for the wall design.
Mr. Nelson suggested approving the concept plan so the Water Utility can go forward. The concept plan approval should list a few conditions to worked out prior to actual drilling: 1. Final compensation, 2. Salvaging of the doors in the barn, both interior and exterior. 3. Future infrastructure credits.
VIII. Discussion and possible action regarding HPC Work Plan
A. Cultural Resources Inventory
B. Budget schedule for FY 2010-2011
IX. Discussion and possible action regarding Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance
X. Announcements
XI. Future Agenda Items
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