Special Session
November 16, 2009

Chair Zwiener called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


Daniel Zwiener, Chair
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Sam McClung, Commissioner
Valerie Pullara, Commissioner
Pat Spoerl, Commissioner


Opened and closed without comment.


Review and/or approval of the October 12, 2009, HPC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner McClung approve as amended the October 12, 2009, HPC minutes.
MOTION carried, 7-0
Commissioner Baughmen stated he wanted the following statement noted for the record:   Proper organizational procedures are when you have more than one sub-heading it should be listed as ABC or 123.  When there is only one item it should be listed as part of the heading itself and not as A. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL) Ordinance.


Staff Report, project update and relation of Criteria of Significance for the ESL ordinance.

Bayer Vella, OV Conservation and Sustainability Manager, provided the following:
- Progress update
- Critical steps
- Types of resources
- Specific language for direction when development comes in 


Discussion and possible action regarding Cultural Resources Inventory.


Phase I Inventory draft document.

Scott O’Mack with William Self Associates (WSA), a non resident, reviewed the following:
- Sections and chapters of the draft book 
- Historical sites compared to prehistoric sites
- Subscribing to AZSITE

Commissioner Baughman stated he was impressed with the preliminary report and its historic context but found missing items.    
Vice-Chair Nagy stated she was amazed with the up-to-date references in the report. 
Commissioner McClung stated how thorough the report was but voiced concern about the implications and role of the Town and Historical Preservation Commission (HPC) in coming up with a sound plan for preservation.    
Commissioner Spoerl stated she would like to review the draft in more detail and have further discussion with HPC. 
Chair Zwiener stated the commission needs to review the report in detail, the summary of recommendations and have further discussion and action at the next HPC meeting.



Phase II survey recommendations.

John Ravesloot, William Self Associates, Inc. (WSA), an OV resident, reviewed the following:
- Recommendation chapter for the second phase  
- 5 or 10 year plan of priorities
- Costs and additional funding 
- Inventory forms on historic properties 

Commissioner Spoerl stated that she understood Phase II to be primarily a preservation plan, but looking at the recommendations in the report they seemed to be more general and comprehensive recommendations separate from Phase II.  She stated we need to make recommendations as a commission on what detailed components of Phase II should be completed. 
Mr. Popelka agreed that the preservation plan needs to be discussed in terms of importance and then how to fund it. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Historic Preservation Work Program.

Mr. Popelka stated the intent of the HPC Work Program is to tie it in with the Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Work Program in regards to budget and prioritizing.  These work items will be a part of a department work program and not called out specifically for the HPC.

Commissioner Pullara stated the sub-committee looked at other city work plans.  Several goals and objectives were discussed and narrowed down.  Commissioner Pullara mentioned that the timelines for completion were left open.  
Chair Zwiener stated it would be preferable to look at the plan in greater detail and come up with alternative wording to express the language that Commissioner Baughman indicated and bring it to the next meeting.
Commissioner Baughman stated the objectives are going to be strongly impacted by what WSA brings to us at the subsequent meeting.  It would be smart to develop this as WSA develops their product and weave them together. 
Chair Zweiner noted that HPC would be well served to keep this as an open working document and for the sub-committee to continue working on the plan.

Mr. Popelka stated that Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) is in the P&Z Work Program for continuing development and implementation of SPR.  Items like that should be incorporated in the P&Z program.  

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy authorize the chair to prepare such language with Mr. Popelka for inclusion in his report if it is required before such time as the commission can meet and make judgments.
Commissioner Spoerl stated as far as the work plan and tying it in with the P&Z plan there will be specific needs such as the review of artifacts where there is no funding identified for it.  Mr. Popelka stated he wants to include any work that may impact the budget for the P&Z Work Program.
Commissioner Baughman stated the need to identify subjects for detailed funding information.
Mr Popelka stated he plans to take it to the P&Z Commission in December and refine the HPC Work Program before going to Town Council in January.
Motion was withdrawn.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy move that the Chair be authorized to express the conditions on general subject matter; we can look forward to attempting in the next 12 - 24 months for purposes of developing the work plan and compounded of the budget.
MOTION carried, 7-0
Commissioner McClung stated that when he observes a work plan he looks at something that is measurable such as timelines and targets.
Mr. Popelka stated that Commissioner Hannon proposed some timelines but  Mr. Popelka failed to copy them for the meeting.  Mr. Popelka also stated that the work plan is a two year program and is continually updated. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch.


Site Access Protocol.

Mr. Popelka stated that Scott Nelson, OV Special Projects Coordinator, was out sick and asked the sub-committee to describe what had been done.
Chair Zwiener gave an update on the following:
- Commission’s discussion on the access protocol and site visit protocol
- Visitation protocol approved at September meeting
- Commission’s concerns regarding access to site   
- Language for an access protocol

Commissioner Baughman suggested the Chair meet with Council Liaison and the Interim Town Manager in adopting these protocols. 
Chair Zweiner stated there was a meeting with the Interim Town Manager, Council Liaison Lattis, Commissioner Spoerl, Paul Popelka, the Town Attorney and himself. He stated it was indicated at the meeting that action should be to approve the protocol for recommendation to Town Council.
Commissioner McClung stated when he looks at the access protocol he sees a lot of the same language and has trouble understanding them side by side.
Chair Zwiener stated that the site visitation protocol pertains to guided visitation as to where the access protocol pertains to activities with more longevity.
Commissioner McClung asked where that is explained.
Commissioner Spoerl stated there needs to be some wording to clarify tour duration to a greater extent.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Spoerl accept this protocol with text changes made by the sub-committee that further clarify the distinction between the two.
Commissioner Baughman stated he would vote against it for not seeing the language and said it could be referred to the sub-committee for further work.  
Chair Zwiener stated that the language in the access protocol clearly states that access to this site that could potentially impact the historic integrity has to come to the HPC.
Commissioner Spoerl stated this protocol has been strengthened by including reference to the Preservation Easement.
Commissioner Hannon asked if Chair Zwiener felt the need to include the language regarding the differentiation between the protocol and the site tour protocol.  Chair Zwiener said he believed so and to specify which protocol it pertains to.
Motion was withdrawn. 

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Spoerl and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy move that HPC accept the Steam Pump Ranch Site Access protocol with the provision that the subcommittee will clarify the wording we have discussed at this point to distinguish this document from the tour protocol.
MOTION carried, 4-3 with Commissioner Baughman, Commissioner Hannon, and Commissioner McClung opposed
Chair Zwiener stated the next action was to recommend both protocols be sent to Town Council.  Commissioner Baughman requested that it be postponed until the next HPC meeting. 


Update on exploratory removals in Pusch house and Carlos’s residence.

Mr. Popelka covered the following:
- Work done in the Pusch house
- Cost savings projection on the design and reconstruction
- Linda Mayro’s visit on site
- Discussion in regards to Carlos’s residence

Chair Zweiner agreed with the amount of exploratory removal work done and found it enlightening. Chair Zwiener stated he and Scott met with Commissioner Spoerl and Edward Crocker, who is an expert on adobe and gave them very valuable information on both structures.
Commissioner Baughman recommended there be a study session discussion to review the pump house.  He said he leans toward preservation over restoration.  


Ranch Truck Update.

Mr. Popelka gave the following update: 
- Truck is licensed and runs 
- Approximately $3,000.00 in mechanical repair costs
- Considering Canyon Del Oro High School for the cosmetic work 


Discussion and possible action regarding Staff Report.

Mr. Popelka stated he had nothing to add.


There were no announcements.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy to Adjourn the HPC meeting at 7:10 p.m.
MOTION carried, 7-0