December 14, 2009

Chair Zwiener called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


Daniel Zwiener, Chair
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Sam McClung, Commissioner
Valerie Pullara, Commissioner


Opened and closed without comment.


Review and/or approval of the November 16, 2009, HPC minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to approve the November 16, 2009, HPC meeting minutes as amended.
MOTION carried, 6-0

Discussion and possible action regarding Cultural Resources Inventory.


Phase I Inventory draft document.

John Ravesloot, William Self Associates, Inc.(WSA), OV resident, reviewed the following comments:
- clarification 
- reorganization of the chapters
- improving the historic chapter
- executive summary page
- digitized maps
- references on historic contacts
- overall summary 
Dr. Ravesloot stated there had to be a way to generate interest within the Town to get the information out, and suggested that the Commission work on public outreach for next year.  Dr. Ravesloot stated the information could be gathered and put in a four page brochure, which would be relatively inexpensive.

Paul Popelka, OV Acting Planning & Zoning Director (P&Z), stated once it is accepted, the brochure could be posted on the Town website, and minimal copies made for display at the Town Hall and Library, or available for purchase.

Dr. Ravesloot stated that he hopes to have the final draft ready for the HPC meeting on January 11th. 

Chair Zwiener and Commissioner McClung expressed an interest in reviewing it prior to the HPC meeting.

Mr. Popelka suggested to Dr. Ravesloot that to submit a digital file as opposed to paper copy, for the Commission to review.
Chair Zwiener stated if the report is not ready, then a special session would allow them to go over Phase I and recommendations for Phase II.

Commissioner McClung stated it would be a good idea to get a press release after Town Council has considered it, to show the Town what has been done.  


Phase II survey recommendations.

Commissioner Baughman stated the Town’s history, presence, and future will benefit the Historical Preservation Commission. 

Vice-Chair Nagy stated the public thinks Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) is all the Town has and as part of the public outreach, SPR should be a part of it, but not the major part.  Vice-Chair Nagy stated her agreement in using the brochure for public outreach so that the public can be informed about all the historic neighborhoods.
Commissioner Baughman introduced a Town Council document titled, "Town Council, Advisory Boards and Commission Members Site Tours," and a Proposed Language for Town Council Policy document regarding ground disturbance on SPR property.  Commissioner Baughman asked Dr. Ravesloot if he would be willing to volunteer as an archaeologist on an emergency basis if needed at the SPR.  Dr. Ravesloot stated he would volunteer, as long as there was a monitoring plan. 


Update on Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance.

Chair Zwiener gave an update regarding the work group, Town staff and David Williams (ESL Consultant) progress on the preservation of Cultural Resources.  Chair Zwiener stated the ESL project is in the early phases of drafting the ordinance language and are working on a research review process for post development. 


Discussion and possible action regarding Historic Preservation Work Plan.

Mr. Popelka stated the sub-committee met several times to review the 2010-2012 Work Plan and would like to incorporate the Preservation Plan and Community Outreach into the P&Z Department Work Plan, because they may require some level of budget support.  The other items would not be included because they are more related to strategic plans.

Mr. Popelka recommended to the Commission to approve the 2010-2012 Work Plan so it could be incorporated into the P&Z Department Work Plan. 

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to approve the HPC 2010-2012 Work Plan as presented on December 10, 2009, and December 14, 2009. 
Mr. McClung requested clarification of the words "Continue to implement" on items #3 and #4 on the Work Plan under Preservation Plans. 

Commissioner Hannon stated when they worked with items 3 and 4 in the sub-committee, they were referring to the Master Plan and the Honey Bee Preservation Plan as published. 

MOTION carried, 6-0
Mr. Popelka offered an acknowledgement and thanks to Commissioners Pullara, Hannon, and Vice-Chair Nagy, for their assistance in putting the Work Plan together.  


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch.


Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Scott Nelson, OV Special Projects Coordinator, stated the Town hosted a program that included the tree lighting on December 4th and 5th, and was very well attended.  Mr. Nelson stated they would be debriefing at the end of the week to see what improvements could be made next year.


Update on exploratory removals in Pusch house and Carlos’s residence.

Mr. Nelson gave the following updates: 
- Exploratory removal
- Consultants should be ready to discuss issues next month
- Evidence of adobe parapets
- Site elevations at Pump House 

Mr. Nelson stated his concern that all the buildings at SPR are in need of a better drainage system.  Mr. Nelson stated there would be some decisions and recommendations going to the Commission next month.

Chair Zwiener stated the exploratory removals answered some key questions about the structure itself, and helped save a considerable amount of money.

Commissioner McClung asked if there was a written and visual record being created during the exploration for presentation as to how it has been restored. 

Mr. Nelson stated they have taken photos documenting how everything was, along with notes and drawings.

Commissioner Baughman asked Mr. Nelson if someone could sit down and write a narrative describing the process, while memories are still fresh. 

Mr. Nelson stated it was possible but finding the time would be an issue and is outside their scope on the contract.

Chair Zwiener asked Mr. Nelson what discussion took place with Linda Mayro in regard to Carlos’s residence.

Mr. Nelson stated it was not addressed that day, but the last time they got together, Linda Mayro was not sure if she wanted the newer features to go away.  Mr. Nelson stated he could see keeping Carlos’s BBQ court and showing where Carlos’s room was at, but the issue he raised with Linda Mayro was his concern that the eastern wall had moved 4-6 inches.  Mr. Nelson stated it would be an ongoing discussion.


Ground disturbance.

Chair Zwiener stated there was a concern regarding the archaeology at the site, as well as forming a team that would be responsible for the recovery and preservation of the site.  Chair Zwiener stated there was some ground disturbance activities and asked Mr. Nelson to bring the Commission up to date. 

Mr. Nelson stated a galvanized pipe broke off in the wall inside the residence while a building safety member removed a toilet.  The Assistant Building Official declared an emergency and water was shut down to the entire site.  Mr. Nelson stated the biggest issue for the buildings, other than fire, is water damage.  Mr. Nelson stated they did some selective ground disturbance trying to find the shut-off valves, which were never found.  Mr. Nelson stated there is no call for bathrooms in the Master Plan, and no need for water except for irrigation.  Mr. Nelson suggested filling up one of the water tanks on site and to come up with a plan to shut the house off.
Commissioner Baughman stated it is his intention to prevent any ground disturbance without an archaeologist being present.

Chair Zwiener asked about the contract regarding the work on the three buildings and putting an archaeology recovery and preservation plan together. 

Mr. Nelson stated by utilizing the existing contract and obtaining a qualified archaeological firm to survey, things could get moving quickly. 

Commissioner Baughman stated he would like to get the money committed. 

Chair Zwiener stated there is potential for artifact recovery and excavation needs to be handled carefully.  

Commissioner Baughman covered the language proposal document introduced earlier and wanted to offer it to the Town Council as policy in regards to the ground disturbance at SPR.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy to approve the adoption of the proposed language regarding ground disturbance on Steam Pump Ranch as a proposal to the Town Council as Town Council policy.
Commission McClung stated the last phrase in the second sentence should be stricken, because it puts the Chair in an awkward position to have to be available when an emergency arises.

Commissioner Baughman stated he felt Town Council would object because they would want the Chair to be notified.

Chair Zwiener stated it is a much larger issue in regards to the Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL) ordinance.  One of the provisions in the ESL ordinance is to develop a list of qualified archaeologist consultants for situations like this.  Chair Zwiener stated he is in favor of the language, but troubled by the provision. 

Commissioner Baughman stated he would accept as a friendly amendment to substitute the word "provide" with the words "make provision for."

Mr. Popelka stated we could adopt the same list of archaeologists used by Pima County.  Mr. Popelka recommended that rather than taking the language forth as a Town Council policy, it should be incorporated in the SPR Site Access Protocol which should go to Council next month. 

Commissioner Baughman stated it was considered but dismissed it because, in an emergency situation it will be Town Staff with a shovel, and putting it in the Access Protocol will not cover this situation. 

Chair Zwiener stated he was using his discretion in recognizing Mr. Bill Adler to speak.

Mr. Adler stated the Town is responsible for SPR property and working to stabilize it.  The language is impractical and not necessary.  Mr. Adler stated that the Commission has to trust the people that have this responsibility because the Town cannot afford to hire the staff.  Mr. Adler recommended revising some of the language and removing some of the mandates.  Mr. Adler asked that the Commission be kept advised and to trust the people to call in experts when needed. 

Commissioner Baughman stated a planned function would not be a problem, but this language would apply when there is digging and an archaeologist is not present. 

Commissioner McClung stated the commissions are in place to advise the Town Council rather than putting forth a policy that may be defeated.  

Commissioner Baughman stated the easement is legally binding and it might be a good idea to ask the Town Attorney to do a summary of prohibitions and requirements of the IGA easement.

Commissioner Baughman stated he would like to endorse this language without a time frame. 

Chair Zwiener stated he would like to see this on the next agenda in developing the language as a part of the recovery and preservation plan for the site. 

The motion was withdrawn by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Vice-Chair Nagy.


Formation of Budget Task Force.

Chair Zwiener stated that due to the increased activity and the demands on getting the budget money going, the Commission needs to develop a project team covering the preservation plan for SPR.  Chair Zwiener stated it would be a good idea to develop this team consisting of Town staff, HPC Chair, the outside consultant, and other commissions who might be interested in participating that can meet and go forward with a plan that would be mindful of the various activities at SPR.

Commissioner Hannon stated it would be a good plan if forming this task force shows Town Council there is forward movement and could possibly protect the budget for SPR.

Chair Zwiener stated he would like the Commission to discuss the concept and who should be on the project team, and bring their suggestions forward to the next HPC meeting for action.
Commissioner McClung stated he would encourage use of the SPR Master Plan that is already in place as the foundation for further discussion.  

Chair Zwiener stated he would be in favor in retaining the language of the Master Plan, but there is a lot this team would be doing that is not covered in the Master Plan.

Mr. Popelka stated to keep Council Member Latas informed, but the Commission does not need Council approval to set up this task advisory group.

Chair Zwiener asked Mr. Adler about his thoughts.

Mr. Adler stated that as a courtesy, the Town Council should be advised if Staff is going to have representation on the task force. 

Chair Zwiener stated he would like HPC to consider how to move forward on the project team for the next HPC meeting.


Commission vacancy.

Chair Zwiener stated the vacancy is due to the resignation of Commissioner Spoerl.  Vice Chair Nagy would like to see this position kept open.  Commissioner Baughman stated the HPC could make a recommendation to the Town Council.


Discussion and possible action regarding Staff Report.

Mr. Popelka stated he is making adjustments with the P&Z staff in regards to work load.  Mr. Popelka will be assigning Karen Berchtold, Acting Principal Planner, as the official liaison for HPC on a temporary basis until things are settled with the position of the Planning Director in the P&Z Department.


There were no announcements.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to adjourn the HPC meeting at 8:01 p.m.
MOTION carried, 6-0