April 12, 2010

Chairman Zwiener called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 


Daniel Zwiener, Chairman
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ellen Guyer, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Sam McClung, Commissioner
Valerie Pullara, Commissioner

Chairman Zwiener introduced and welcomed Ellen Guyer as the new HPC Commissioner.


Open and closed without comment.


Review and/or approval of the March 15, 2010, HPC minutes.

Commissioner McClung reminded the commission that two items listed in the March 15, 2010, minutes had yet to be resolved; the Honey Bee Village Work Plan status and Commissioner Baughman’s question regarding holding meetings via teleconference.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice-Chair Nagy and seconded by Commissioner Baughman to approve the March 15, 2010, HPC minutes.
MOTION carried, 7-0
Chairman Zwiener requested to move item #5 up on the agenda so Bayer Vella, OV Conservation and Sustainability Manager, could update the commission.


Discussion and possible action regarding the Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance.

Mr. Vella presented a "Public Advisory Committee (PAC) & Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Review" handout.  Mr. Vella said his intent is to meet in April and have a 90%-95% complete rough draft to distribute for public comment; then have a study session in May for draft approval so it can go to the Planning & Zoning Commission, then to the Town Council.

Chairman Zwiener thanked Mr. Vella for his work and asked what the most dominant issues were that had to be overcome.

Mr. Vella said securing a process that insures adequate review and involvement from the HPC and developing criteria.


Discussion and possible action regarding Phase II of the Cultural Resources Inventory.

Chairman Zwiener said Phase I will be presented to the Town Council on April 14, 2010, for discussion and action, and encouraged them to attend.  He asked the commission for any recommendation or discussion on moving forward on a Phase II plan.

Commissioner Baughman recommended that Dr. Ravesloot of William Self Associates be invited to the next HPC meeting to review the proposal recommendations and to obtain his ideas on district designations. 

Vice Chair Nagy said HPC needs to consider how much funding will be available to implement the Phase I recommendations.

Commissioner Hannon said the drafting of a historical preservation plan is a primary goal of Phase II.

Paul Popelka, OV Acting Planning & Zoning Director, said Dr. Ravesloot will make a presentation to Council on April 14, 2010.  Mr. Popelka said it would be helpful for the Town Council to have a discussion on how the HPC would like to proceed and to draft a budget for the next fiscal year on Phase II.
Chairman Zwiener asked for an update on the Certified Local Government (CLG) grant.  Matt Michels, OV Senior Planner, said he is working on obtaining the paperwork from Eric Vond, the Preservation Initiative Program Coordinator, but has had trouble reaching him.  Mr. Michels said he would keep Chairman Zwiener informed and asked for the commission’s assistance if necessary. 


Discussion and possible action regarding the Steam Pump Ranch Project Group.


Project Group update

Chairman Zwiener reviewed the following handouts:

- Steam Pump Ranch Project Team Meeting Minutes for March 29, 2010
- Steam Pump Ranch architectural layouts from Poster/Frost/Mirto

Chairman Zwiener said the project team has made tremendous progress and encouraged the commissioners to sit in on future meetings. 

Commissioner McClung asked if the commission could receive notification when the project team meetings are scheduled and if they could continue to receive the meeting minutes.

Chairman Zwiener said the commission could be emailed in the event a commissioner would want to attend.

Commissioner Baughman requested to have the project team update placed on the next HPC agenda.


Clarification of visitation and access protocol

Chairman Zwiener said the commission had tentatively approved a visitation protocol and recommends it go to the Town Council for approval as soon as possible.  He would recommend holding off on the access protocol due to the current construction.  Chairman Zwiener said he would also like Town Council to consider the visitation protocol to be placed prominently on the Town’s website. 

Mr. Michels said he would speak with the webmaster to see what can be done.


Procedures for working with photos and documents

Chairman Zwiener said the Oro Valley Historical Society is scanning documents at the OV Library on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and requested that anyone interested in observing them to contact him.

Commissioner Baughman asked Mr. Popelka if he would obtain a copy of a study the library conducted 5 to 6 years ago on preserving documents.

Mr. Popelka reminded Chairman Zwiener that if more than three commissioners were to attend one of the sessions that a notice of possible quorum would need to be posted.


Possible Centennial celebration at Steam Pump Ranch

Chairman Zwiener said there were site access issues in the past, but some have been dealt with and recommended they put forward an effort to get the celebration at Steam Pump Ranch.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner McClung to recommend Steam Pump Ranch as Oro Valley's Centennial site and ask Town Council to forward that name to the Centennial Commission as Oro Valley's proposal for the Centennial project. 
MOTION carried, 7-0

Review of March 22, 2010, letter from Poster-Frost to Jim Garrison at SHPO

Chairman Zwiener said the letter was to remind the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) that the Town has a master plan they would like to complete. 


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC work plan.

Commissioner Pullara updated Commissioner Guyer on the subcommittee’s progress regarding the work plan.  She said the HPC agenda should always follow the work plan so the commission can prepare an annual report if needed. 

Chairman Zwiener said the subcommittee worked very hard on this and asked what they need from the commission to move this plan forward.

Commissioner Hannon said community outreach is important, and with the assistance of William Self & Associates we could put together a program to go out into the community.  Commissioner Hannon said another important issue is the creation of the Historic Preservation Plan, which may need a subcommittee.  

Chairman Zwiener asked Mr. Popelka about the contract for Phase I.
Mr. Popelka said the original amount was approximately $35,000 and due to the additional meetings and work on the draft, the expenses to date are approximately $39,000.

Chairman Zwiener suggested the original subcommittee get together to discuss how the work plan can be measured, who is responsible, and bring it back for discussion.


Discussion and possible action regarding updating materials for the HPC books.

Chairman Zwiener said he met with Mr. Michels and discussed a preliminary list of items that should be in the HPC notebooks.

Commissioner Baughman requested that Mr. Michels email the list to the commissioners so they could compare it with their notebooks, and then bring it for discussion at the next HPC meeting.


Discussion and possible action regarding an HPC student liaison.

Chairman Zwiener said this position has been vacant for quite some time.
Commissioner Baughman said the ordinance does not provide for a student liaison, but an unofficial position can be created and should have a role.

Chairman Zwiener recommended to the commission to form a subcommittee to study that role.

Commissioner Pullara said we should research other towns and cities and come back with ideas.

Commissioner Baughman asked if staff could make some calls to determine if other towns are using a student liaison or any other outreach tool.

Chairman Zwiener said he would like the commission to come back to the next HPC meeting ready for discussion and possible action on what role the student liaison should play.


Future items.

Commissioner McClung asked that the two items in the March 15, 2010, minutes be included on the next agenda.

Mr. Popelka said he would send a communication to the commissioners regarding the two items.

Vice Chair Nagy said she would like updated information on the proposed wildlife crossing on Oracle Rd.

Commissioner Pullara said she would like an update on the Santa Cruz Heritage Alliance.


There were no announcements.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Pullara to adjourn the HPC meeting at 7:17 p.m.
MOTION carried, 7-0