May 17, 2010

Chairman Zwiener called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


Daniel Zwiener, Chairman
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ellen Guyer, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Sam McClung, Commissioner
Valerie Pullara, Commissioner


Bill Adler, OV resident, said it is clear to him that our community does not have a proprietary interest in Steam Pump Ranch (SPR).  The HPC, Town staff and citizens who have an interest in this property must be more creative, energetic and collaborative.  Mr. Adler said we need to hold attractions there to let people know it is available to enjoy the scenic and historic values.  We have to work together and coordinate productive activity which will create awareness and ownership.  The protocol needs to start now so people can access the property.

Commissioner Baughman said he was disappointed in the agenda structure and asked Chairman Zwiener permission to sit with the recording secretary to go over indentation and numbering.  Commissioner Baughman said since Cultural Resources is not on the agenda, there is no way to find out what happened at the Town Council meeting on April 15, 2010.  Commissioner Baughman asked staff to email the commission with that outcome tomorrow.


Review and/or approval of the April 12, 2010, HPC minutes.

Commissioner Baughman requested the minutes to be paginated and to start listing staff members present at the meetings.  Commissioner Baughman requested a correction on the 3rd page, item 3c, 1st paragraph, that "Oracle" be changed to "Oro Valley".  Commissioner Baughman said on the 5th page, 1st paragraph, Mr. Michels stated he will email the notebook list and it has not happened; 5th page, item 8, Mr. Popelka stated he will send communication to the commission regarding two items Commissioner McClung requested, and there was no communication received from Mr. Popelka.    

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to approve the April 12, 2010, HPC minutes as amended.
MOTION carried, 7-0

Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance update.

Bayer Vella, OV Conservation and Sustainability Manager, reviewed the following: 
 - Draft is 80% complete
 - Expectation is to present a full draft to HPC in June
 - Expectation is to present the entire ESLO to the Planning & Zoning Commission in August, and Town Council in September  

Discussion:  Commissioner Pullara asked if the entire ESL draft would be coming to the HPC.  Mr. Vella said the ESL Cultural Resource chapter and a chapter on how to work with multiple resource properties would.  Mr. Vella said the entire draft would not go to the HPC, because 90% of ESL has nothing to do with cultural resources. 
Commissioner Baughman said he feels that cultural resources play a role throughout ESL and disagreed with Mr. Vella. 
Mr. Vella said the HPC will get the chapters that deal with the context of cultural resources.  Mr. Vella said our budget monies are established to make it through this schedule, and we will need everyone’s assistance.


Wildlife crossings on Oracle Road

Vice Chair Nagy asked when this project would begin, does it involve the Town or Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and what role will HPC have in it. 
Mr. Vella said the area is within Pima County and feels that Pima County Cultural Resources will be involved.  Mr. Vella said ADOT is the lead and his sense is that the Town is not the director of the project and does not know the timeline. 

Vice Chair Nagy said the newspaper stated that Oro Valley was putting funds into it and would think they would have more say.  Mr. Vella said he was not sure and that the property is not within Oro Valley’s boundaries.   

Commissioner Baughman asked if a tour of Honey Bee Village could be given since the commission has a new member.  Scott Nelson, OV Special Projects Coordinator,  said he would coordinate a tour.

Mr. Nelson asked Chairman Zwiener if agenda item #5 could be next so that Drew Gorsky could make his presentation.


Discussion and possible action regarding Steam Pump Ranch.


Presentation by Poster-Frost


Plans for Ranch House


Plans for Proctor-Lieber House


Plans for Pump House


Architectural monitoring plans

Drew Gorsky of Poster, Frost & Mirto, gave the following overview: 

- Emergency repairs on the Proctor-Lieber house
- Letter to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) regarding the pump house (Phase II) 
- Phase I construction documents out for bid on Proctor-Lieber house and Pusch house
- Stringent qualifications in the bid documents
- Monitoring plan by Desert Archaeology

Commissioner McClung asked when Phase II would start.  Mr. Gorsky estimated by late summer.

Mr. Gorsky also reviewed the following on the Pusch Ranch house:

- De-Construction Floor Plan
- Proposed Floor Plan
- Reflected Ceiling Plan
- East & West elevations  

Commissioner Baughman requested a quick walk through Steam Pump Ranch before construction starts.
Mr. Nelson said he would add that to the Honey Bee Village tour.

Commissioner Pullara asked if photo journaling and documenting are being done.  Mr. Nelson said a number of photos were taken prior to the selective demo, and Chairman Zwiener has taken photos.   

Mr. Nelson said Linda Mayro, Pima County Cultural Resources Manager, is very happy with the outcome of the work group and endorses what is being planned.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner McClung and seconded by Commissioner Pullara to approve the plans as submitted by the architect regarding the Pusch Ranch house rehabilitation and the Proctor-Lieber house repair plan, as presented by Drew Gorsky.
MOTION carried, 7-0

Steam Pump Ranch protocol

Mr. Nelson said it is possible that HPC would be staffed by the OV Parks & Recreation department rather than the Planning & Zoning department sometime soon.  Mr. Nelson said in speaking with Ainsley Legner, OV Parks & Recreation Director, she suggested that the visitation protocol not go to the Town Council and they are ready to put it on the Town’s website.  

Chairman Zwiener said there were no changes made to the visitation protocol and would like to hold off on the site access protocol until the construction phase is over.  

Commissioner McClung said having the protocol available on the website is not meeting the spirit of Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) as a public educational institution.  Commissioner McClung said we could invite people to make use of the site visitation protocol by reaching out to the Kiwani’s Club, Rotary Club, Optimist Club and the Northwest Chamber of Commerce. There are many groups that could impact public perception on SPR.
Chairman Zwiener said he spoke with Mary Davis, OV Communications Administrator, about increasing public awareness and she intends to be at the next HPC meeting.   
Mr. Nelson said it is newsworthy as far as the newspaper is concerned, but is leery of generating traffic during this phase and whether OV Parks & Recreation is staffed to handle it.


Commissioner’s report on Historic Preservation Partnership Conference.

Commissioner’s Pullara, McClung and Baughman informed the commission about their trip to the Historic Preservation Partnership Conference in Flagstaff.


Discussion and possible action regarding holding HPC meetings via teleconference.

Matt Michels, OV Senior Planner, said this was an item discussed with the commission before and he went back to the legal department for decisive clarification.  Mr. Michels said it is contrary to Town policy to have all members call in, however if a member needs to be absent it is within the policy to allow attendance by phone.


Update on Honey Bee Preserve work plan.

Chairman Zwiener said the Pima County Board of Supervisors approved a request to move bond funds to support the completion of the Honey Bee Preserve project.  The project is scheduled for completion in January 2012, and we need to attempt to lobby the county in getting site protection and monitoring.


Discussion and possible action regarding SHPO Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Fund grant application.

Mr. Michels said when he found out the closing for the 2010 fiscal year was in December; he spoke with Eric Vondy, Preservation Planner with SHPO, and asked if people drop out.  Mr. Michels was advised by Chairman Zwiener that someone had changed their time frame, making money available, so they met to proceed with the application and submitted it last week.

Commissioner Baughman said submitting the work plan was the weakest argument staff could put together, and how is staff going to ask for $18,000 when the matching money comes from the utilization of department staff.
Mr. Michels said the request is for a $10,000 grant, 40% of which must be matched and in reference to the work plan, item #4 on the application, CLG work priorities are embodied in our adopted work plan.

Mr. Nelson said as part of the CLG application, it required the ordinance to be attached.

Mr. Michels said he has established a line of communication with Mr. Vondy, and would contact him with any questions. 
Commissioner Baughman said copies should have been sent to the commission for wordsmithing before it was submitted. 
Commissioner McClung said he appreciated what Town staff and Chairman Zwiener have done and when we approve a Chairman, we have to trust people to do the best they can.  He, as one commissioner, did not want to be flooded with emails. 

Commissioner Pullara agreed and said it is very important to put our foot forward, it was well written and will open the door for more funding.

Commissioner Baughman said he overreacted and agreed with the rest of the commission. 

Commissioner Pullara said the commission needs to think about how to branch out so that we can assist staff in meeting future deadlines. 


Discussion and possible action regarding student liaison position.

Chairman Zwiener said he would like to form an advisory committee who will report back to the commission and asked for volunteers.  Commissioner’s Guyer, Pullara, McClung volunteered their service.


Discussion and possible action regarding cooperative projects with the Oro Valley Historical Society.

Chairman Zwiener proposed that the commission look for as many opportunities to connect with the Oro Valley Historical Society (OVHS) and suggested the following:

- Encouraged Commissioner Pullara to work with Roxy Johnson from OVHS in regards to grant writing efforts.
- Heritage Gardens
- Possibly having a combined meeting with OVHS
- Cooperate on Steam Pump Ranch visits
- Work with OVHS regarding donations made by the Lieber family
- Involving OVHS in our Preservation Plan and Cultural Resources Inventory Phase II Plan 

Commissioner McClung said he would like to know what OVHS thoughts are on what items we could work together with. 

MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to
MOTION carried, 7-0
Vice Chair Nagy mentioned that Commissioner Guyer and she have been learning the archiving process being done at the OV Library.
Commissioner McClung asked who was in charge of coordinating the volunteer time.  
Chairman Zwiener asked Vice Chair Nagy if the commission could coordinate with her by email so that a quorum does not form.  Vice Chair Nagy accepted.


Discussion and possible action regarding HPC books.

Mr. Michels handed out a draft list of contents for the HPC notebooks.
Chairman Zwiener said we need to update the current commissioner’s books and come up with a concept as to what a new commissioner should have in their book. 

Commissioner Baughman suggested adding the resumes of the commissioners and a contact list consisting of the Town Attorney, clerk’s office, staff and future liaison.

Chairman Zwiener recommended to the commission to email Mr. Michels if they had any additions to the list.  

Vice Chair Nagy said she would like Mr. Michels to email each commissioner with their current training hours before the next HPC meeting.


Future items:


HPC Work Plan


Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance


Funding sources for Steam Pump Ranch

Chairman Zwiener reviewed his future agenda items.

Commissioner Hannon said he would like the proposed move to OV Parks & Recreation from Planning & Zoning to be on the next agenda.  Chairman Zwiener said it would and Ainsley Legner would be giving a full presentation. 

Chairman Zwiener said he would like to have Mary Davis attend in the future in regards to public relations.

Chairman Zwiener reminded the commission that July is the election of HPC officers.

Commission McClung requested a follow up on Cultural Resources Inventory and a discussion on Phase II.

Chairman Zwiener said another future agenda item would be the centennial celebration and would like Mary Davis available for that discussion.


Chairman Zwiener mentioned the Hands on Adobe workshop.

Mr. Michels announced that the Town Council would not be having any meetings in August and have requested for boards and commissions to consider doing the same.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to adjourn the HPC meeting at 8:50 p.m.
MOTION carried, 7-0