October 11, 2010
CALL TO ORDER: 5:02 p.m.


Daniel Zwiener, Chair
Lois Nagy, Vice-Chair
Bob Baughman, Commissioner
Ed Hannon, Commissioner
Valerie Pullara, Commissioner
Ellen Guyer, Commissioner

EXCUSED: Sam McClung, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT:               Ainsley Legner, Parks Recreation Library and Cultural 
                                     Resources Director
                                     Steve Solomon, Town Council Liaison
                                     Bayer Vella, Conservation & Sustainability Administrator
                                     Jose Rodriguez, Engineering Division Manager


Opened and closed with no comment.



MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Guyer to approve the minutes from the September 13, 2010 meeting as written.
MOTION carried, 6-0
Item 5 was moved before Item 2.



Ms. Legner discussed the grant applications. She stated that the Town received a letter from the Tohono O’odham Nation stating that we did not receive the grant this year. The Town is still on the list for the work being done in Congresswoman Gabriel Gifford’s office regarding Steam Pump Ranch and we are monitoring that submittal.

Document scanning was discussed. A large number of documents were located and have been moved from the ranch.

Engineering Division Manager Jose Rodriguez discussed the following:
~ The contractor started on October 4, 2010.
~ Asbestos has been targeted which takes approximately 10 working days.
~ Production of the adobes has begun and it is done by hand.
~ The environmental permit has been obtained and there will be more activities on the site soon.
~ Removal of the roof material from the Procter Leiber house which contains asbestos should be complete.
~ The archeological monitoring plan was done by Poster Frost in conjunction with Desert Archaeology.
~ There is no excavation being done at this time.
~ There is a mud adobe wall on the perimeter which is being removed and the materials are being used for the adobe.
~ The contract will extend to February, 2011.
~ Construction has not begun at this time.  

Commissioner Baughman discussed the importance of commission members and council members having access to the site. Mr. Rodriguez agreed that site visits are appropriate by appointment (Monday – Friday). The superintendent will need to be onsite during these visits and it must be during a time when there is no construction on the site. There will be restricted areas for safety.


Vice-Chair Nagy asked about the procedure for found artifacts.  Mr. Rodriguez stated that any items found will be reported and turned in. Chair Zwiener added that the archeologist should be present during ground disturbing activities. Also, the top meter of the ground should not have any artifacts of significance. He believes that the items are left in place for the archeologist to determine the significance.


Chair Zwiener asked for inclusion of Oro Valley citizens in the process. He also requested more media coverage. He suggested that adobe making could involve the general public. Mr. Rodriguez stated that the only issue would be that the contractor is responsible for guaranteeing their work but the public may still be able to be part of the process.


Chair Zwiener asked about the material in the perimeter wall which is being reused. Mr. Rodriguez stated that the material is very stable.


Chair Zwiener stated that the Oro Valley Historical Society has photographed the area in the past and it would be beneficial to involve them in documentary work at the site. Mr. Rodriguez agreed. Commissioner Hannon offered to assist with the photography.



Conservation & Sustainability Administrator Bayer Vella reported on the progress and the remaining schedule. As of June 2010, staff left the Historic Preservation Commission with a recommendation of approval on the cultural resources element which was incorporated into the draft dated July 1, 2010. In the last two months a public outreach has been implemented to include one open house, eight meetings with Southern Arizona Home Builders Association and the Metropolitan Pima Alliance, seven meetings with the developers and one joint study session with the Town Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission.  

The second draft was published last week and there will be at least one more draft. This month, the September 30th draft will go to the Public Advisory Committee. There will be an open house on October 29, 2010. The final draft of the ELS will be released before the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on November 8, 2010 and it will hopefully be forwarded to the Town Council on December 1, 2010. The September version is available on the website and was emailed to the commission. 

Mr. Vella reviewed the two main issues regarding cultural resources:
1) The appointment of a cultural resources professional to provide a survey including determination of significance and a treatment plan. 2) Concern regarding local criteria on page 60 of the draft. One concern was that it was new and it inherently includes a degree of ambiguity. It is open-ended enough so that it is a higher level of risk. These issues have not changed the draft at this time. Mr. Vella requested that the commission stay engaged.

Commissioner Baughman stated that there is a hang-up with the Town acquiring a title to Honeybee Village which is partially due to not having a cultural resources person on staff. He asked if we got a cultural resources person on staff, if that would remove the hang-up. Mr. Vella stated that when a developer submits an application, they would have hired their own cultural resources person. If there was a disagreement in the evaluation, the Town would hire their own professional. The Town could approve a list of professionals instead of having the Town make the decision for both parties.

Mr. Vella explained that Pima County has their own staff and does not have this issue. Marana relies on the process we use today which is that a developer hires and brings forth the recommendation. 

Commissioner Pullara asked who currently reviews the report from the developer. Mr. Vella explained that staff does not have the expertise to make these determinations; so they use the expertise of SHPO and Pima County. If the application has been sent to SHPO and Pima County and there are still red flags, a professional is hired at the developer’s expense for an independent opinion.

Vice-Chair Nagy verified that if the developer found an object, it would first go to staff, then SHPO and then to Pima County before the Historic Preservation Commission would be informed of the item. Mr. Vella confirmed. 

Chair Zwiener asked Mr. Vella to report on the concern over the local criteria provision. Mr. Vella explained that the comments were general with concern about the degree of latitude within the criteria and subjectivity.
  Commissioner Baughman requested that the language be tightened up.    Chair Zwiener stated that the Town’s local criteria are far less subjective than others he has seen. He stated that we made a good attempt to reduce the subjectivity of the criteria but it will never be eliminated. Going forward we will listen to concerns and consider them for the future. Mr. Vella strongly advocated that the Historic Planning Commission be present at the Planning & Zoning and Town Council meetings due to their expertise.



Commissioner Baughman stated that this issue falls within the purview of the chair of this commission.

Chair Zwiener asked if it would be helpful if some of the items could go out to commissioners beforehand to see if the items need to be discussion items or if they also need the option of possible action. Ms. Legner stated that she is happy to provide information ahead of time. 

Commissioner Baughman asked to have this item circulated to the Town Attorney Tobin Rosen for his professional advice.



Ms. Legner has been working with Dr. Ravesloot on this issue and there are limitations for the maximum allowance on contracts. He is reworking the scope and proposal and Ms. Legner has not received it back yet. The grant money will need to be spent by September, 2011. The Cultural Resources Inventory Phase 2 Preservation Plan scope outlined in the grant was loosely worded. 

Ms. Legner hopes to speak with Dr. Ravesloot this week and he will be attending two upcoming Historic Preservation Commission meetings. If meetings are limited in time, we can provide Dr. Ravesloot with written feedback.


Chair Zwiener suggested one work session meeting surrounding the submittal of a draft to the commission.

Document scanning was discussed. There were documents and materials found in the Procter Leiber house in the closet and Parks Manager James Gardner carefully put the items in plastic bins and secured them in the south bunkhouse. Mr. Gardner has also covered and secured the juke box and put in a safe location until the commission has the time and money to determine the next steps.  

There is an outdoor location on the east side of the Calle Concordia office, a conference room and Ms. Legner’s office available for working. The bunk house is a secure location and there are no plans to do anything there at this time.


Commissioner Baughman and Vice-Chair Nagy advised obtaining gloves and masks for anyone working with the materials for safety.


Ms. Legner stated that a stack of large calendar documents which may be portrait pictures were also found.


Commissioner Baughman expressed his appreciation to the chair and the director for their time and work.



Chair Zwiener tabled this item. Commissioner Baughman requested that the item be considered this evening. Chair Zwiener reopened the item.

Chair Zwiener stated that there are several issues and overlapping concerns regarding the best way for the commission and Oro Valley Historical Society to commit to having a study session.

Commissioner Baughman pointed out that the commission meetings are required to be recorded and it would be best to schedule the meeting in the Council Chambers or the Hopi conference room.

Pat Spoerl resigned as the president of the group. The group has not met recently due to lack of working bodies and organization. Chair Zwiener stated that he is in favor of meeting in the Hopi conference room and the commission will await contact from the Oro Valley Historic Society and then plan the work session.



Ms. Legner stated that all board and commission members are entitled to an embroidered Town shirt if they are interested. The commission may choose the design of the shirts. It is helpful to wear these shirts when attending Town meetings and events in order to be identified as a Historic Preservation Commission member. The commission is welcome to choose all different colors or one uniform color for the group. The PRL&CR Department has chosen Palo Verde green as its color.  

Commissioner Pullara and Commissioner Guyer volunteered to review the catalog with staff and discuss with the commission at the next meeting.



~ Honey Bee Village matters/disagreement
~ PRAB Member John Scheuring will be at the next meeting for Honey Bee Village Archeological Site
~ Work plan subcommittee update


Ms. Legner shared that the Town has funding for training for boards and commissions. She encouraged the commissioners to inform staff if they find a training opportunity that they are interested in.  

Commissioner Pullara stated that the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Alliance is holding a stakeholder’s meeting on October 18, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the library down town to review process, rebranding and economic development. The town manager and assistant town manager will be attending.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Baughman and seconded by Commissioner Hannon to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.
MOTION carried, 6-0
Prepared by:

Danielle Tanner
Senior Office Specialist