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2. Roll Call
3. Call to the Audience opened and closed at 6:02 p.m. with no speakers.
Ms. More announced that the Town will be advertising for Planning and Zoning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission openings.
Ms. More introduced Paul Popelka, the incoming Assistant Planning and Zoning Director, who will officially join the staff on December 8, 2008.
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Public Hearing: OV7-08-09, The Planning & Zoning Department, requests approval of a General Plan text amendment to require neighborhood meetings prior to the submittal of general plan amendment applications.
7. Discussion Item: inform and solicit feed-back from the Planning & Zoning Commission with regard to staff suggested modifications to the Town’s review and permitting processes for new development.
9. Discussion Item: Review of proposed changes to boards and commissions appointments process.
8. Discussion Item: Including within staff reports to Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council factors for and against approval.
Dec 02, 2008 Planning & Zoning
Full agenda
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Full agenda
2. Roll Call
3. Call to the Audience opened and closed at 6:02 p.m. with no speakers.
Ms. More announced that the Town will be advertising for Planning and Zoning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission openings.
Ms. More introduced Paul Popelka, the incoming Assistant Planning and Zoning Director, who will officially join the staff on December 8, 2008.
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Public Hearing: OV7-08-09, The Planning & Zoning Department, requests approval of a General Plan text amendment to require neighborhood meetings prior to the submittal of general plan amendment applications.
7. Discussion Item: inform and solicit feed-back from the Planning & Zoning Commission with regard to staff suggested modifications to the Town’s review and permitting processes for new development.
9. Discussion Item: Review of proposed changes to boards and commissions appointments process.
8. Discussion Item: Including within staff reports to Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council factors for and against approval.
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