April 1, 2008


Call to Order


Roll Call
Chair Doug McKee
Vice Chair Teree Bergman
Commissioner Bill Adler
Commissioner Ray Paolino
Commissioner Pete Bistany
Commissioner Honey Pivirotto

ABSENT:  Commissioner Clark Reddin

Also Present: 
Sarah More, Planning and Zoning Director
Joe Andrews, Town of Oro Valley Civil Attorney
Stacey Lemos, Finance Director


Call to the Audience opened and closed with no speakers.



MOTION:  Vice Chair Bergman MOVED to approve the January 3, 2008, Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting minutes as written.  Commissioner Paolino seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6:0.


Presentation of Recommended Town of Oro Valley 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2008/09 through 2012/13

Sarah More introduced Stacey Lemos, Finance Director for the Town, who gave a presentation on the recommended Town of Oro Valley 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2008/09 through 2012/13.  Ms. Lemos stated that the CIP is still a work in progress, as the budget for next fiscal year is still being worked on, and will go to the Council for approval in June or July.  She gave a brief PowerPoint presentation reviewing the highlights of the plan and then opened a question and answer period.

Chair McKee thanked Ms. Lemos and her assistant, Art Cuaron, and commended her on the major improvements made on the way the committee works. 


Discussion Item: Review of a Proposed Schedule to Process Major General Plan Amendments in Conformance with State Growing Smarter and Town of Oro Valley Requirements

Ms. More stated that tonight’s discussion would be on the logistics of addressing the process for the Major General Plan Amendments.  She talked about the legal limits that must be followed.  There were six cases that were filed by the March 31st deadline for submittal.  There is a State law requirement for a 60 day notice to surrounding jurisdictions, the Department of Commerce and various other entities.  This provides the opportunity for those entities to send in comments regarding the amendments. 

Ms. More presented a flow chart showing a possible schedule for the meetings needed.  The dates are flexible and only an example of what may be done. 

The Commission does not have to consider all the items at the same public hearing as the Council does.  However, the Council could open a public hearing and carry it over to another day by not adjourning the meeting.

Planning Commission members noted concerns/comments to be considered in setting the Major General Plan Amendment schedule:
- The Arroyo Grande project needs its own study session and open house/neighborhood meeting.
- All neighborhood/public meetings will be held separately for each project.
- Staff should not be excluded from the neighborhood meetings.
- The Town should run the neighborhood meetings.
- Concern that the public and commissioners may not be able to attend all day sessions.  Possibly have a combination of day and evening meetings, to be able to accommodate those individuals who might not be able to attend evening meetings.
- New Commission members being brought current on information.
- Keeping Commissioner’s whose terms expire in June on the Commission for continuity.
- Add another study session.
- Notifying the public of the timing of items on agendas.
- Should the "citizen task force" be included in any of the study sessions?
- Will the General Plan Amendment and the Annexation Agreement for Arroyo Grande be presented together?
- Will there still be regular Planning and Zoning Commission meetings besides the General Plan Amendment meetings?

It was the consensus of the Commission that Ms. More work with Chair McKee putting together a letter to the Council regarding the possibility of expiring terms being extended to allow for continuity.  It was suggested that other Commissioners send in letters to Ms. More, addressed to the Council, showing their support for this.  At the same time Ms. More will be working on getting applications submitted to be able to fill the vacancies if that should occur.

The Commissioners were also in agreement that Chair McKee, Vice Chair Bergman and Ms. More meet to refine the Major General Plan Amendment schedule.


Future Agenda Items

There were no future agenda items.


Planning Update

Ms. More advised that the Steam Pump Ranch (SPR) Master Plan Task Force has made a recommendation that will be going to the Historical Commission and Town Council for approval.  The Town is working on budget to be able to maintain SPR and prevent further deterioration to existing structures.


Adjourn Regular Session

MOTION:  Commissioner Paolino MOVED to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.  Commissioner Bistany seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6:0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Prepared by:

Diane Chapman
Senior Office Specialist