February 2, 2010

Chairman Reddin called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Clark Reddin, Chairman
Alan Caine, Commissioner
Mary Caswell, Commissioner
Robert La Master, Commissioner
Robert Swope, Commissioner

ABSENT: Joe Hornat, Vice Chair

CALL TO THE AUDIENCE (Non Agenda Items Only)

Opened and closed without comment.


Review and /or approval of the January 12, 2010, P&Z Commission meeting minutes.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Caine and seconded by Commissioner Caswell to approve as presented the January 12, 2010, P&Z Commission meeting minutes.

MOTION carried, 5-0.

OV7-09-008, Reconsideration of La Cholla Airpark Inc., representing the owner and applicant, requests continuance to March 2, 2010, of a zoning code text amendment to allow accessory structures in the front yard of lots within the R1-300 zoning district.  Located north of Moore Road and west of KingAir Drive. For questions and additional information, please contact David Ronquillo, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4817 or dronquillo@orovalleyaz.gov.

Paul Popelka, Acting P&Z Director, said the applicant asked for a continuance date specific to March 2, 2010, P&Z Commission meeting.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commissioner La Master to approve the request for a continuance of OV7-09-008, until March 2, 2010.

Commissioner Caine said there may be some confusion on the Commissions stance regarding the text change that was requested.  The Commission did not express any opposition to buildings in the front properties, what was considered was that this issue was best handled by the Board of Adjustment.  The commission thought it was better not to change the code but to let the Board of Adjustment handle this issue on a case by case basis.

Bill Adler, OV resident, said he does not have an objection to the continuance but does object to the Planning Department making room for something that is not an emergency.  The code is a community standard not a neighborhood standard.  When someone wants a change, they stand in line.  We have to stop accommodating people.  This is close to irresponsible.

Bill Etting, OV resident, representing La Cholla Airpark said the applicant will be ready for the March meeting.

MOTION carried, 5-0.

Planning & Zoning Commission Work Plan FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12

Paul Popelka, presented the proposed workplan to the Commission.

Commissioner Swope asked what would happen if the Environmentally Sensitive Land ordinance (ESLO) is not complete by the end of the fiscal year and how that will affect the percentages and priorities.

Mr. Popelka said the plan is to finish part one and two of ESLO.  Part one involves the writing of the ESLO code itself, and part two is a sweep and update of the existing zoning code and should not consume much time.  

Chairman Reddin commented there is not enough staff in the Planning Department to accomplish everything that is on the workplan.  He suggested prioritizing items.  
Commissioner Caswell said she would like to see prioritizing, more specific dates, and assignments.

Mr. Popelka said the workplan is based on the current planning staff.  As they go through the projects, they will try to construct target dates and report back to the Commission on a regular basis.  

Commissioner Caswell asked how much assurance the Planning Department has that additional staff will be hired. 

Mr. Popelka said it is his understanding that the budget has funding for the Director and Assistant Director positions.

Commissioner Caine said the Commission does not normally consider how their recommendations impact staff work load and if the Commission imposes additional work to bring it to the Commissions attention.

Bill Adler, OV resident, said the Workplan that was approved last year did not include Development Review procedures, La Cholla Airpark, sign code updates and sleeping units.  When items like that are inserted into the workplan, then items like the recreation code cannot be completed.  Mr. Adler said we have this large catch all category that occupies 65 to 75 percent of the time for development review and thinks it is too high, unless the code revisions can be broken out and itemized separately.  Mr. Adler said if we are interested in budgeting time then we need to go about this in a more structured fashion.

Mr. Popelka said the recreation code does not show up on this workplan because they are currently updating it and it will be completed this fiscal year.

Commissioner Caine asked what our legal obligation is in asking citizens to wait when they request a zoning change.

Joe Andrews, OV Deputy Town Attorney, said we have to be reasonable and rational.  We can not set requests to the side.  We are responsible to the residents of Oro Valley.

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Caine and seconded by Commissioner Caswell to accept the revised workplan and forward it to the Council as presented.

MOTION carried, 5-0.

Planning Director Update

Paul Popelka, Acting P&Z Director said there have been three applicants for the commission vacancy and interviews will be next week.


Future Agenda Items

Opened and closed without comment.


MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Caswell and seconded by Commissioner La Master to adjourn the P&ZC meeting at 6:48 p.m.

MOTION carried, 5-0.