September 6, 2011

Chairman Swope called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Robert Swope, Chair
Don Cox, Vice Chair
Alan Caine, Commissioner
Robert La Master, Commissioner
John Buette, Commissioner
Robin Large, Commissioner

ABSENT: Mark Napier, Commissioner


Chairman Swope led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

CALL TO THE AUDIENCE (Non Agenda Items Only)

Bill Adler, Oro Valley resident, stated at the last meeting an applicant who was proposing a change to the zoning for the Oro Valley Towne Center made a few representations that he believes were false.  An applicant making representations of any sort should provide documentation for those representations and this wasn’t done.  Mr. Adler is deeply concerned because the property is such a significant piece of property.  Mr. Adler went on to recommend that traditional main street design be placed on a future agenda.


Council Member Liaison Joe Hornat had no comments at this time.



Review and/or approval of the June 7, 2011, and July 5, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes.

June 7, 2011 Draft Minutes

July 5, 2011 Draft Minutes

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Cox and seconded by Commissioner La Master to move the minutes from June 7, 2011 and July 5, 2011 Planning and Zoning meeting to the regular agenda.

MOTION carried, 6-0.


Review and/or approval of the June 7, 2011 and July 5, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes.

Vice Chair Cox requested grammatical changes to the minutes.  The requested changes have been noted.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Cox and seconded by Commissioner La Master to continue the minutes from the June 7, 2011 and July 5, 2011 meeting, to the October 4, 2011, meeting.

MOTION carried, 6-0.

Public Hearing: Amendment to height standard for on-site real estate, lease, rent, and for sale signs, to increase the maximum allowable height from 5 feet from grade to 6 feet from grade, in Section 28.6.C.6 of the Oro Valley Zoning Code, OV711-007.

For questions and additional information, please contact Matt Michels, Senior Planner, at (520) 229-4822 or mmichels@orovalleyaz.gov

Staff Report

Draft Zoning Code Amendment

Coldwell Bander Letter

Tucson Association of Realtors Letter

Matt Michels, Senior Planner, presented the following: 

- Background
- Proposed Amendment
- Other Jurisdictions’ Standards
- Summary

Commissioner Large asked why wasn’t the height limitations discussed eariler this year.  Mr. Williams, Planning Manager, stated the recommendation from the Sign Code Task Force to the Town Council was to increase the height to six feet.  Town Council changed it back to the existing five feet.

Chairman Swope opened the Public Hearing.

Steve Huffman, Oro Valley resident and Government Affair’s Director for the Association of Realtors, stated that his association requested this item be brought forth.  Now that the Sign Code has been revised, real estate companies doing business here in Oro Valley ran into problems with the height of the signs.  These companies don’t want to dig a hole one foot deeper through caliche or saw one foot off the signs which are used over and over.  There are other communities here in Southern Arizona where six foot signs fit within the code. 

Don Bristow, Oro Valley resident, stated that the current existing sign code is extremely effective in selling homes.  The neighborhood must not be turned into self promoting marketing territory for realtors.  Real estate companies are claiming that the six foot signs will not increase signage visibility.  Where is the balance between real estate desires and residential aesthetics?  Why must Oro Valley becoming a follower instead of a leader in maintaining higher community standards, particularly when there is no benefit to the citizens by changing the existing on site real estate standards.  The Commissions course of action should be to protect the citizens of Oro Valley and maintain the current standards.

Bill Adler, Oro Valley resident, stated that he is in favor of adding relief which was done in the past and suggested in this case.  He can see an extra foot being desirable if vegetation is interfering along with topography to be an exception.  Providing relief in this period is understandable, but he is opposed to changing the code to accommodate an industry.  

Chairman Swope closed the Public Hearing.

Commissioner Caine asked what the other sign code changes being considered by staff.  Mr. Williams responded that there are no other code changes pending. 

Vice Chair Cox stated that he appreciates the aesthetic value of Oro Valley and the restrictive codes.  The signs that are placed in these yards are to let the people know the home is for sale and the riders underneath are there to describe the house.  He sees no reason why the commission can not accommodate a one foot height on the sign. 

Commissioner Caine stated that he agrees with Vice Chair Cox.  These signs are a bit of an eye sore but there are necessary in selling the homes and supports the proposal.

Commissioner Large asked if there is a restriction on the signs as to how many hangers or how much square footage is allowed on these signs.  Mr. Williams responded yes, the code is four square feet and silent with regards to accessory signs.   The Town has created an enforcement policy that tries to control them, but does not prohibit them.    

Chairman Swope asked how an administrative waiver would work.  Mr. Williams responded that an ordinance could be adopted on a temporary basis with a sunset clause added. 

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Caine and seconded by Commissioner La Master to recommend approval an amendment to height standards for on-site real estate, lease, rent, and for sale signs, to increase the maximum allowable height from 5 feet to 6 feet, in Section 28.6.C.6 of the Oro Valley Zoning Code, OV711-007.

MOTION carried, 6-0.

Planning Division Manager Update (Informational Only)

David Williams, Planning Manager, presented the following:

- General Plan Amendment Neighborhood Meetings.
- Occupancy apartment complexes rate in Oro Valley.
- CDRB agenda on September 13 will include Hohokam Mesa and a new office building on Oracle Rd.
- Town Council on September 14 will include plan amendments for Steam Pump and Noble Hops.
- Town Council on September 21 will include outdoor display.
- Arizona Planning Association Conference on September 28 - 30.
- Apologized for the Planning & Zoning minutes. 


Future Agenda Items

Future Agenda Items:
- PAD amendment for Rancho Vistoso 7-I.
- AT&T Highlands Wireless, continuance from the August 2, 2011 meeting has been withdrawn. 
- The month of November will include two separate meetings.  November 1st and November 15th.


MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Cox and seconded by Commissioner La Master to Adjourn the Planning and Zoning meeting at 6:52 p.m.

MOTION carried, 6-0.