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CALL TO THE AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Commission on any issue not listed on today's agenda. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Commission members may ask Town staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers. However, the Stormwater Utility Commission may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Audience." In order to speak during "Call to the Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.
1. Approval of the September 15, 2016 regular session minutes
091516 SWUC DRAFT Regular Session
2. Organizational update on the development of the Stormwater Utility and discussion of the Stormwater Commissioner vacancy.
3. Review and update on the status of the draft of Town Code Chapter 17
4. Update on meetings and events
5. Discuss and approve Stormwater credit applications
6. Update on the Your Voice, Our Future Committee
7. Discuss Stormwater Financials
Stormwater September 2016 Financials
8. Discuss on-going Stormwater projects and events
9. Set November meeting(s) date and time
10. Set November proposed agenda items
Oct 20, 2016 Stormwater Utility Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
CALL TO THE AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Commission on any issue not listed on today's agenda. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Commission members may ask Town staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers. However, the Stormwater Utility Commission may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Audience." In order to speak during "Call to the Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.
1. Approval of the September 15, 2016 regular session minutes
091516 SWUC DRAFT Regular Session
2. Organizational update on the development of the Stormwater Utility and discussion of the Stormwater Commissioner vacancy.
3. Review and update on the status of the draft of Town Code Chapter 17
4. Update on meetings and events
5. Discuss and approve Stormwater credit applications
6. Update on the Your Voice, Our Future Committee
7. Discuss Stormwater Financials
Stormwater September 2016 Financials
8. Discuss on-going Stormwater projects and events
9. Set November meeting(s) date and time
10. Set November proposed agenda items
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