Thursday, January 19, 2017
Chairman Jim Mikolaitis called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
Jim Mikolaitis, Chairman
Frederick Wayand, Vice Chairman
Michael DeSantis, Commissioner
Richard Hawkinson, Commissioner
EXCUSED: David Parker, Commissioner

CALL TO THE AUDIENCE- At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Commission on any issue not listed on today’s agenda. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Commission members may ask Town staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers. However, the Stormwater Utility Commission may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Audience." In order to speak during "Call to the Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card
There were no speakers from the audience.

Update by Eric Shepp of the Pima County Regional Flood Control District

Agenda item was moved up in order to accommodate the schedule of Eric Shepp of the Pima County Regional Flood Control District.
Mr. Shepp brought a handout to explain the process of how Capital Improvement Projects are proposed and funded by the PCRFCD.
Mr. Shepp outlined and explained the process by which projects are chosen and how discretionary and non-discretionary funds are used.
Commissioner Richard Hawkinson inquired about levee issues in Oro Valley. Mr. Shepp indicated that they are inspected annually.
Chairman Jim Mikolaitis posed a question about vegetation removal in channels. Mr. Shepp explained the process of constructing, evaluating and cleaning channels.

Approval of the December 15, 2016 regular session minutes

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Hawkinson and seconded by Vice Chairman Wayand approve the December 15, 2016 regular session minutes without any changes.

Motion carried, 4-0.

121516 SWUC DRAFT Regular Session Minutes

Update on Council meetings and Stormwater meetings and events

Community Development and Public Works Assistant Director Aimee Ramsey told the commission that the revisions of Chapter 17 to make it meet the minimum standards for the state, will be brought to the Council on March 15, 2017.
Ms. Ramsey said that the commissioners would be given a copy of the revisions to review for the February 2017 Stormwater Commission meeting.
Ms. Ramsey reminded the commissioners that the State of the Town is October 5, 2017.
Stormwater Division Manager Mike Todnem told the Commission about the HOA forum that will take place in the Sunset room at the Community Recreation Center on Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 9am-12pm. He will be giving a Stormwater presentation.
Ms. Ramsey indicated that a meeting with the Catalina Ridge HOA is being set up. 
Stormwater Analyst, Scott Bennett spoke to the Commissioners about the community outreach program he will be conducting with Intern, Tessa Kobida. They will be speaking to 4th graders at Wilson Elementary on Thursday, January 27, 2017 about building in a floodplain.
Ms. Ramsey explained that the construction superintendent position has not been filled due to the fact that the candidates did not have the necessary qualifications.
Ms. Ramsey told the Commission that there will be a new posting for a Streets and Drainage Field Supervisor.

Discuss and approve Stormwater credit application(s)

Mr. Todnem said there were no new applications at this time and that Chapter 15-24 is being updated which addresses the credit application process.
Ms. Ramsey explained that new Chapter 15-24 town code implementation will probably be for the next fiscal year.
Commission Frederick Wayand suggested that a discussion about the town code needs to be an agenda for the future.

Discuss Stormwater financials

Stormwater December 2016 Financials
Commissioner Frederick Wayand had a question about the revenue increase. A discussion followed.

Discuss on-going Stormwater projects and events

Ms. Ramsey indicated that there are no new projects at this time but that more will be discussed next month.
Mr. Todnem discussed the recent rains and that there have been no significant issues at this time.

Discuss permit time-line

Ms. Ramsey shared the document of Stormwater timelines that was put together by by Sr. Stormwater Engineer, Justin Turner and Stormwater Analyst, Scott Bennett.
Chairman, Jim Mikolaitis requested the updates of the plan and Ms. Ramsey said they would be sent to the Commissioners.
There was a discussion amongst the Commisioners and the staff regarding the permit requirements.

Recognition of outgoing Stormwater Chairman Mike Stankiewicz

Former Stormwater Commissioner Mike Stankiewicz was not present.

Review the 2016 monsoon season

Ms. Ramsey explained that this item was to discuss what projects to mitigate for 2017 and will be added as an agenda item for the future meetings.
Commissioner Michael DeSantis made a request for information to understand the Stormwater Utility. Ms. Ramsey said that she will send information to him and that she will bring a floodplain map to the next meeting.

Set February 2017 meeting(s) date and time

The next regular session meeting has been re-scheduled for February 23, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the Hopi Conference Room.

Set February 2017 proposed agenda items

The agenda for the February 23, 2017 regular session was discussed and approved.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner DeSantis and seconded by Vice Chairman Wayand adjourn the meeting at 5:11 p.m.

Motion carried, 4-0.