D. Resolution No. (R)15-18, authorizing and approving a subgrantee agreement between the Town of Oro Valley and the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to fund the purchase of equipment under the Operation Stonegarden program
(R)15-18 AZDOHS Equipment Funding
AZDOHS Equipment
E. Resolution No. (R)15-19, authorizing and approving Town of Oro Valley projects under consideration for inclusion in a future Pima County general obligation bond election
D. Resolution No. (R)15-18, authorizing and approving a subgrantee agreement between the Town of Oro Valley and the Arizona Department of Homeland Security to fund the purchase of equipment under the Operation Stonegarden program
(R)15-18 AZDOHS Equipment Funding
AZDOHS Equipment
E. Resolution No. (R)15-19, authorizing and approving Town of Oro Valley projects under consideration for inclusion in a future Pima County general obligation bond election