Town Council Study Session
May 14, 2008
CALL TO ORDER: 5:30 p.m.

Paul Loomis, Mayor
Al Kunisch, Vice Mayor
Paula Abbott, Council Member
K. C. Carter, Council Member
Helen Dankwerth, Council Member
Barry Gillaspie, Council Member

EXCUSED: Terry Parish, Council Member


Follow-up Discussion and Items from May 12, 2008 Budget Work Session

Finance Director Stacey Lemos reviewed a follow-up memorandum regarding the issues raised during the May 12th Budget Study Session regarding:
1)  Remaining balance of Recreation in Lieu Fees through April 30, 2008 along with a prioritized "wish list" of items that could potentially be purchased with this revenue.
2)  A half-day charge does not exist for the rental of a ramada and is charged the full-day cost of $25.00.
3)  Progress of the Parks and Recreation user fee policy and cost of service evaluation will be discussed at a future study session.
4)  Expanding the cost of service evaluation and analysis to town-wide will be discussed at a future study session.
5)  Employees per capita ratios of other surrounding communities will be provided at the May 28, 2008 Study Session.
6)  An accounting of what services the Oro Valley Water Utility pays Town staff for will be presented at the May 28th Study Session.
7)  Decreasing Minor Outside Funding Requests has been decreased by $10,500 and Board and Commission Training has been increased to $25,500.
8)  Project Development Assistance Funds from Pima Association of Governments will be used to fund a project assessment study for Shannon Road from Lambert Lane to Tangerine Road and not from RTA funds as previously stated.  The funding will be used for an engineering study to evaluate the overall drainage, alignment and operating conditions and impacts of future traffic volumes to extend Shannon Road from Lambert Lane to Tangerine Road.

Parks & Recreation Director Ainsley Reeder reviewed the Parks and Recreation Department Unfunded Projects and Equipment in order of Priority:
1.  Field Aerifier for all parks - $20,000
2.  Dog Park (for full funding - other half) for Riverfront Park - $27,660 (If Heritage Funding does not come through, recommend full funding at $55,320.
3.  Ramada (new) for James D. Kriegh Park - $30,000
4.  Shade structures over bleachers for James D. Kriegh Park - $30,000
5.  Field Lighting Retrofit(new "green" lighting) for James D. Kriegh Park - $100,000


Mrs. Lemos referred to the Listing of Line Items for Departments and Divisions showing a tally of increase and decrease in budget amounts through May 14, 2008.  She reviewed the Recreation In Lieu Fees Balance of $161,774 as of April 30, 2008. 

Discussion followed regarding the following:
~ A comprehensive review of pay plans.
~ Steps in conducting the study for Shannon Road and the request of $50,000 from PAG to conduct the study.
 ~Full alignment of Shannon Road is within town boundaries.
~ What will the study include?

Action Item:  Review additional maps, get more detail of what the Shannon Road study will consist of and the expected outcome of the study.


Oro Valley Public Library - FY 2008/09 Proposed Budget; Funding Sources; Oro Valley Contributions to the Pima County Library District; Intergovernmental Agreement with Pima County; Town Library District Discussion

Librarian Mary Hartz Musgrave gave a brief history of the Oro Valley Public Library/Pima County Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) history.

Mrs. Lemos outlined the current highlights of the IGA that went into effect this fiscal year:
~ Outlines 50/50 cost sharing of "eligible" expenditures including cost sharing of direct services provided by Pima County Library District (PCLD) (courier, circulation, technology support).
~ Items considered not eligible for cost sharing include:
- Travel/Training
-Capital Improvements/Outlay
- Building & Grounds Maintenance
- Food and drink expenditures
- Volunteers events/special events.
- RFID hardware/software maintenance & operation.
- Salary increases in excess of those provided to County employees.

Mrs. Lemos reviewed the Oro Valley Public Library (OVPL)/Pima County Library District (PCLD) Funding History dating back to 2004 and stated that Town staff and PCLD staff are working together to modify billing method.
Mrs. Lemos reviewed a history of Oro Valley tax payments made to the Pima County Free Library Tax from 1986 to 2007 totalling $10,783,516.00.

Ms. Hartz-Musgrave stated that the town is working within the parameters established by this IGA and are currently working with Pima County to correct invoicing and accounting issues.

Discussion followed regarding the details of the Intergovernmental Agreement, including the statutory requirements, funding options and items not considered for cost sharing and debt service left on the Town Hall Campus.

Mrs. Lemos offered to prepare for the next budget study session a breakdown of each item that was disallowed for payment by Pima County.

Action Item - Future Budget Agenda Items: Submit a cost detail of library expenditures ineligible for reimbursement from Pima County Library District; present a comparison of Pima County Library staff salaries vs. the Town’s Library staff salaries; and an inventory of computers.


MOTION: A motion was made by Council Member Carter and seconded by Vice Mayor Kunisch to Adjourn to adjourn