Regular Session
Monday, April 12, 2010


David Powell, Chair
Rick Davis, Vice Chair
John Hoffmann, Commissioner
Richard Reynolds, Commissioner
Elizabeth Shapiro, Commissioner
Winston Tustison, Commissioner

EXCUSED: Robert Milkey, Commissioner

                                             Philip C. Saletta, Water Utility Director
                                             Shirley Seng, Utility Administrator
                                             David Ruiz, Engineering Division Manager
                                             Robert Jacklitch, Project Manager                 

CALL TO AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Water Utility Commission on any issue not listed on today’s agenda.  Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Commissioners may ask Town Staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers.  However, the Water Utility Commission may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to Audience."  In order to speak during "Call to Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.

At this time there were no public speakers.


APPROVAL OF MARCH 8, 2010 MINUTES  Discussion and/or possible action.

Click here for Item #1

MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Tustison and seconded by Commissioner Reynolds to Approve

MOTION carried, 6-0.


REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE ORO VALLEY WATER UTILITY COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT DATED APRIL, 2010   (P. Saletta)  Discussion and/or possible action regarding a request for approval of the Oro Valley Water Utility Commission Annual Report dated April, 2010.

The Commission felt staff did a good job with the Annual Report and had no further changes.  

Mr. Saletta thanked the Commission and pointed out that the report included their recommended changes. Staff is asking approval of the 2010 Annual Report which will be presented to Council at their May 5th meeting. Mr. Saletta also thanked the Water Utility Staff for their participation.  

There were no further comments. Chair Powell entertained a motion for approval of the 2010 Annual Report.

MOTION: A motion was made by and seconded by to

MOTION carried, 6-0.


REVIEW OF COUNCIL BUDGET STUDY SESSION  (P. Saletta)  Discussion regarding the recent Council Study Session on the proposed FY 10-11 Budget for Oro Valley Water Utility.

Mr. Saletta reported that at the March 31 Council Study Session, staff presented a power point presentation on the proposed Oro Valley Water Utility Budget. This presentation was also forwarded to the Commission via e-mail. Mr. Saletta pointed out that Commissioner Milkey was in attendance as well as other staff members. 

Highlights of the presentation:
-Total proposed budget is $17.4 million. This is an approximate reduction of 18% in comparison to last year’s budget.  

-Two major reductions: reduce high interest debt (includes payment of high interest bonds)   

-Water Management: approval to purchase 8,000 a/f of ground water extinguishment credits. The purchase of these credits will help lower CAGRD payments.  

-O&M reduction of over 3% and a $2,000,000 reduction in Capital Projects
-No reductions in personnel are in the proposed budget 

-Budget assumes an increase in the ground water preservation fee with no increase in the commodity rate.

Council has the next budget session scheduled for half-day on Saturday, April 24th. The tentative budget is scheduled for approval on May 19th and final adoption is scheduled June 16th.

There were also several questions from Town Council on capital improvement projects in addition to the Central Arizona Project development.

There were no further questions, Mr. Saletta ended his report.  No action was required on this item.


UPDATE ON NORTHWEST WATER PROVIDERS  (P. Saletta)  Discussion and/or possible action on the Northwest Water Providers and the proposed treatment and delivery of Central Arizona Project water.  This discussion will include an update on recent action taken by the Metropolitan Domestic Water Improvement District Board.

Mr. Saletta reported the following:

-Over the last six months Metro Water staff has conducted a study looking at recharge and recovery for treatment and delivery of CAP Water. The Metro Board at their March 8th meeting took formal action to approve the study and has directed staff to pursue recharge and recovery. Staff emailed Metro Water's letter to the Commission

Mr. Saletta pointed out that Oro Valley would essentially like to include recharge and recovery alternatives and partner with Metro Water and the other NW Water Providers.

Staff is contracting with Carollo Engineers to perform a cost study to compare additional alternatives including recharge and recovery. This project should take place within a week to ten days and should be completed by the end of June.

Recharge and recovery does not preclude the construction of a treatment plant at a later time. A treatment plant could be constructed during phase two. Metro Water is aware of Oro Valley’s plan and is planning a treatment plant at a later time possibly Phase II. 

Mr. Saletta gave a brief explanation on suspended solids, turbidity and recharging of the aquifer. Staff will report their findings of the study to the Commission sometime during the summer.

Commissioner Tustison requested a copy of the letter be emailed since it was not included in the packets. Staff will email the letter to Commission.

Commissioner Hoffmann requested a Renewable Water Subcommittee meeting to discuss recharge and recovery issues. Mr. Saletta will schedule a meeting within a few weeks. 

In answer to Commissioner Shapiro question, Mr. Saletta indicated that Metro Water recently purchased a small recharge facility that could store up to 8,000 a/f per year of water located near Marana airport off Avra Valley road.

Mr. Saletta also explained that Oro Valley has storage permits in Lower Santa Cruz, Avra Valley and Pima Mine road.

The draft Intergovernmental Agreement IGA will be on hold until the studies are completed and are shared with Metro Water and the other NW Water providers.

Mr. Saletta pointed out that reliability was still being discussed with the Bureau of Reclamation. Reliability alternatives will include a surface water reservoir, pump station bypass and recharge and recovery facilities. He indicated that Tucson Water is also using recharge and recovery as a reliability alternative.

There were no further questions, Mr. Saletta ended report. No action was required on this item.


Discussion and/or possible action regarding the application for a grant from the Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority.

Ms. Seng reported that the Town has an opportunity to apply for a grant through WIFA in an amount up to $35,000. The grant would be used for consulting services to develop a water loss reduction program. Ms. Seng explained that water loss is the difference between total water produced and total water delivered.

The scope of work will also involve auditing production records, billing records, leak detections in water mains and plant facility operations.

Ms. Seng explained that staff is looking for a consensus or motion from the Commission in order to move forward with the WIFA grant application. The application is due to WIFA by April 30.

Ms. Seng indicated that Oro Valley must match any grant funds received unless WIFA determines that the project is green.  If the project is categorized as green no local match is required. Staff is confident that the program will be categorized as green, given the fact that it is a compliance issue, a groundwater savings and energy savings program.

MOTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Davis and seconded by Commissioner Tustison to Approve and direct Staff to apply for the Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Authority Grant. 

MOTION carried, 6-0.



Councilmember Carter reported that the public was very interested in water issues and that Council was appreciative of all the answers given at the Study Session. Mayor Loomis had no comments.




Finance Subcommittee               (Commissioner Tustison)

Commissioner Tustison had no report.


Conservation Subcommittee            (Commissioner Davis)

Commissioner Davis indicated that the subcommittee did not meet, however the subcommittee has three ongoing projects and will meet in April.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Powell recognized Mr. Wiese an Oro Valley resident.  Mr. Weise discussed Water Conservation regarding irrigation systems.He felt strongly about promoting public awareness and advising the public to shutoff their irrigation systems especially during rainy seasons.


Renewable Water Resources Subcommittee      (Commissioner Hoffmann)

Commissioner Hoffmann indicated that the RWR subcommittee did not meet but will be meeting in April. 




Customer Service Report            (S. Seng)

Click here for Item A

Ms. Seng reported the following:
-Meter Installations March 31,2010
-Meter Connections = 18,422
-Projected New Meter Installations FY 09-10 = 60
-Actual New Meter Installations FY 09-10 = 49
-Projected EDU’s FY 09-10 = 90
-Actual EDU’s for FY 09-10 =62
-Total 49 Meters for FY 09-10
 Ms. Seng ended her report.


Capital Project                  (B. Jacklitch)

Mr. Jacklitch reported the following:
-Innovation 16-inch Water Main Installation: The water main is complete and has been in service for over 1 month. There is still landscape work to be completed.
-Replacement Well E-1B: Location:Tangelo and First Avenue. The plan design for equipping is being completed.  This project will be out to bid next month.
-Modification of 3 Pressure Reducing Valve Stations: All three PRV stations have been modified. The work on two of the PRV stations were modified by Oro Valley Water staff and one  by the contractor all are now complete.

Design Projects:
-Lambert Lane: Public Works plans to widen Lambert to four lanes. The Water Utility will be installing new mains from La Canada to the Highlands Mobile Park. The design work is approximately 60% complete. The Water Utility continues to coordinate its work with Public Works.

Sheraton Booster Station: Staff continues to do additional engineering work with this booster station. Several storm water issues were addressed in the drawings. Work will begin in a few weeks.

-O.V. Delivery of CAP Water: Staff is working with CH2MHill on a current study. CH2MHill presented a preliminary hydraulic modelling and staff believes that Oro Valley could receive about 3,000 a/f of Tucson’s CAP Water without having to build additional infrastructure. This is only a preliminary model, CH2MHill still needs to perform some modelling on water quality and blending.  

-Steam Pump Ranch wellsite:  Steam Pump Ranch is owned by Oro Valley, Located on Oracle Road. The Utility has recently submitted an application to the Arizona Department of Water Resources to extinguish grandfathered groundwater irrigation water rights for this property.
Mr. Jacklitch ended his report.


Potable and Reclaimed Water System Report   (D. Ruiz)

Click here for Item C - 2010 Potable Water System Report

Click here for Item C - 2010 Reclaimed Water System Report

Click here for Item C-1  2009 Reclaimed Water System Report  Precipitation

Click here for Item C-2 Irrigated Acreage for Golf Course In OV Using Reclaimed Water

March Reports
Potable Water Report 
Daily Demand= 4 million (mgd)   -End of March = 6 million (mgd)
-4-5 Rainfall events  -Largest rainfall just under =1"

Potable Overall Reservoir Storage is 7.0 million (mgd).

Reclaimed Graph 2009 - (New Graph) Indicates water demand relative to precipitation for reclaimed water end users through year 2009.

Irrigation Acreage 2009 Table - An explanation was given regarding golf courses using reclaimed water to irrigate turf and landscape areas.

Mr. Ruiz explained that Stone Canyon golf course also irrigates 63.58 acreas of medians and common areas. 

Reclaimed Water Report - 2010
-March total usage for 6 end users =  46 million gallons
-South Hilton Golf Course - Staff will meet with Hilton’s Golf Course staff April 13th to discuss the delivery of reclaimed water.

Mr. Ruiz ended his report.


DIRECTOR’S REPORT                (P. Saletta)


Update on Tucson/Pima County Regional Water Study

Mr. Saletta reported that the Tucson Council and Pima County Board of Supervisors approved a regional study between Tucson Water and Pima County Waste water. They discussed the
next phases and whether to focus more on a regional study involving other water providers and users in the region. This concept will be discussed at the PAG Regional Council and Management committee. The Water Utility staff met with PAG to discuss the possibility of PAG taking on the work however there has been no formal decision by the PAG’s Regional Council.

There are several questions related to a regional study.
-Do they need to conduct a regional study?
-If a regional study takes place how will the participants be represented?
-Should PAG just focus on public awareness?
Mr. Saletta pointed out that Mayor Loomis serves on the PAG Regional Council for Oro Valley. 


Update on Arizona Department of Water Resources

Mr. Saletta reported that the State was having financial problems and that the Arizona Department of Water Resources Department was anticipated to go from 250 to 95 employees within the next 2-3 months.

-ADWR is closing its Tucson office by June 1st. ADWR management is working on how to continue its work processes such as permitting, ground water extinguishment credit transfers, water accounting and designation of assured water supply and modifications.

At this time Oro Valley does not know how it will be affected by ADWR reduction. One of ADWR's highest priority is Colorado River water and protecting Arizona’s allocation.


Upcoming Meetings

4/21: Town Council meeting cancelled
4/24: Council Budget Study Session
4/28: CAP meeting
5/5:  Town Council Agenda Item: Annual Report
5/10: WUC meeting
6/9 -6/10: Water Regional Resource Center Forum

Mr. Saletta ended his report.



There were no future agenda items mentioned.

CALL TO AUDIENCE - At this time, any member of the public is allowed to address the Water Utility Commission on any issue not listed on today’s agenda.  Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, individual Commissioners may ask Town Staff to review the matter, ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda, or respond to criticism made by speakers.  However, the Water Utility Commission may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to Audience."  In order to speak during "Call to Audience" please specify what you wish to discuss when completing the blue speaker card.

No audience comments.



MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Shapiro and seconded by Commissioner Reynolds to Adjourn

MOTION carried, 6-0.